Defunct Park in West Virginia

There is a defunct park near my home in West Virginia. It was built on the site of the Mitchell Clay massacre and operated back in the 1970's. I am currently working on a website that will contain the history of the park. I found pictures of the park on a website. If you click on you can see pictures of some of the rides.

Gordon Opening Soon
I wonder why someone decided that would be a good location for an amusement park, given its rather morbid history.
Wow... the sign in that first picture is extremely morbid to be placed in an amusement park. VERY weird concept. Thanks for the pictures!
wow... another one to add for the section "abandoned amusement parks".

For the tragedy with the kids, I wonder a little what the true story might have been - did the settlers kill the indians first or was the indian tribe simply annoyed by them settling in their country?

I highly doubt the indians were doing what they were doing without some kind of desparation ?

*** Edited 6/11/2005 4:14:17 AM UTC by superman***

Where is this park at in WV?

That is a truly interesting story. After all of those years of learning West Virginia history in school, I never heard about this tragedy. It seems that so many places in WV are tainted with tragedies between settlers and Native Americans.

Actually, RollrCoastrCrazy, and I could be wrong here, but you see those white historical markers all over WV, on the side of the road to let you know about the history of said spot. That sign is probably (and I could be wrong) on the side of the road where the park was. I don't even know if those signs were up when that area was an actual park.

Gordo, where are you? I'm about half an hour from Mercer County. Shop in Princeton & Bluefield all the time.

I wonder if the Mothman hangs out there much.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Probably not, since Point Plesant is a good 3 or four hours away from Mercer County. Nice Try, though ;).
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Those white markers are pretty interesting. It's amazing what you can learn just by taking a few minutes to read them. We have one just right up the road from my house.

Hmmm.....I feel another photo project developing here. ;-) WV has some pretty whacky stories/legends involving Indians, settlers, ghosts, and even UFO's. As far as the Mothman, the movie stretched the truth a little. ;-)

I have never heard of this park, thanks for the info Gordo! Now I have to visit since I LOVE defunct parks, especially those that are reported to be "haunted". ;-)

Those photos and website are pretty amazing!

Don't forget that there is an Indian burial mound in Camden Park, as well as several others scattered all over the state.

The story with this park is just fascinating. WOW!

It's VERY difficult to find much info on any defunct parks in WV. There used to be a few here in Charleston and the surrounding area but I have found little info on any of them. The most I have found is in the local libraries/Cultural Center.


*** Edited 6/11/2005 11:55:19 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

I live in Beckley, which isn't as close as my original post would have you believe. I do consider this my home park, even if it is no longer open. There have been many parks in West Virginia. Oglebay Park once had a coaster and I believe still has a Carousel. There was also State Fair Park and Coney Island in Wheelering that each had coasters. Charleston, had a couple of parks, including Luna Park. I do not know of any other defunct parks though that are still standing. I am working on a website about parks of the region(both operating and defunct) and I plan to get some good pictures on the website.

Gordon Opening Soon
Beckley...I lived there for a year (1998-1999). Worked in the VA hospital. You don't by chance work there do you?
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
There was Luna, Joyland, and Glenwood Parks that used to be in Charleston. I know little about any of them. I do know Luna closed in the late 20's. My mother says that Joyland was opened during the late 50's.

The Charleston Daily Mail did a story on Glenwood about a year ago which included photos. I will see if I can find that. Otherwise, there is VERY little info on these parks. The Cultural Center's libaray at the Capitol had some photos of Joyland. I will see if that info is still available.

The only decent website I have found on ANY defunct WV park is this one on Terrapin, which used to be in Parkersburg.

It would be great to see some photos and more detailed info on all of these parks. Good luck with your website!


*** Edited 6/11/2005 2:36:21 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

rollergator's avatar
Hmmmm, have to wonder.....if the Jersey Devil does come to SFGAdv, does that mean the removal of the Arrow shuttle looper at Camden was in order to make room for WV's newest ride, "Mothman Mania"? LOL!
Tina, when you decide to roll down south from Chas to visit this park, let me know! And since there isn't much to do here in the middle of no where (though We just did get a Movie theater, and they're finally getting a Wal-Mart...

It would be nice to actually meet Tina in the state of West Virginia, instead of Tenn., California, Nevada...;) *** Edited 6/11/2005 11:17:00 PM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

The Mole's avatar
Thanks for those pictures, I really liked the artistic quality of them and the story they almost told.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Me too, Clint. :-)

Wal-Mart IS an amusement park in itself, especially on Saturday afternoons with all the parents and their rugrats. Or Sunday afternoons after the old folks get out of church and are all fired up. If their road rage won't kill ya GETTING to Wal-Mart their shopping carts will.

Ahhh, redneck heaven! lol.


*** Edited 6/12/2005 3:42:39 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Don't forget West Virginia's best park, the old Rock Springs in Chester (across the river from East Liverpool, Ohio). Rock Springs had one of the hairiest woodies around. It did not close for lack of business. The state condemned it and took the land to make room for the new highway.
There is still a piece of Rock Springs still in existence,

Just need to hit the lotto, big time!

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