Defective Rides-Return to Manufacturer?

I'm getting really sick of a couple of rides at SFA that are constantly having problems. I waited 50 minutes for Batwing, only to have it breakdown. Then I went on Krypton Comet (Chance Chaos) and counted nine seats out of order. The Tower of Doom is down to one side, and the third side of the tower hasn't worked in years. The Iron Eagle (Zamperla Rotoshake) had to be evacuated the other day since it got stuck backwards to the platform. It constantly breaks down and was broken again today. Lastly, they still haven't gotten Typhoon Seacoaster up and running for the year, although I've seen them test it twice.

Where does the responsibility of the manufacturer end once the ride is delivered? If there isn't a lemon law for amusment rides, maybe they should make one. The patrons deserve better after they've spent their hard earned money only to have these rides that constantly malfunction. The parks are also getting screwed by these bad rides in the public relations department.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.

LOL! Thats a good one! Hmm, lets see here:

"Yes, we just had a Vekoma Flying Dutchman installed. It keeps breaking down and our customers are complaining. Is there any chance you could come "pick it up" and give us a new one? "

Yeah, because that would happen... ;) I could possibly see this for a flat ride (see: scrambler), but never a roller coaster.

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
*** This post was edited by MarimbaGuy87 6/28/2003 11:28:33 PM ***

Obviously I was being facetious with the Return to Manufacturer line, but I think there should be some more responsibility once you've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars for a defective product.------------------
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.
(Customer Service Rep) Hi, welcome to Vekoma how may I help you?
(SFA GM) Well I have this Flying Dutchman which seems to be having some problems, and people are complaining.
(Customer Service Rep) Yes, do you have your receipt?
(SFA GM) Receipt?
(Customer Service Rep) Yes, and did you bring back the box that your bought it in?
And etc.

I guess that's what you think of after working @ Wal-Mart's customer service counter for a few years. Yep I can see it now (rolling eyes).

The new and improved! MidwestInfoGuide.COM

If it were only that simple, return it if it is defective. Look at cars most of them are nearly done by the time one pays them off, And Computers and Electronics, you shouldnt have to pay the a warranty, if the products are any good shouldnt they stand behind there products.?

And as a fellow former Wal-Mart employee, I know they'll take anything back, nomatter what(reciept or not). Hmmm...Since TTD has been down for over 12 hours, it's technically mine now, so I wonder if Wally World would give me a refund.....;)

President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).

"Um, yes I'd like my $25 million change in quarters, there's this really hard Spongebob doll in your little grab-it crane game that I really, really want..."

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
*** This post was edited by MarimbaGuy87 6/29/2003 1:05:27 AM ***

Actually, If I got quaters for it, I'd sit and ride the Coaster Sim from CP that they have at some Wal-Mart's here. Then I'd try for Sponge Bot, MirimbaGuy, you gotta get your priorities straight!!!;)
President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).
Like a park is going to move all that construction crap in DURING the season, thus disrupting more and more park goers, but the only people they would piss off would be the CBs at the park and the ACE morons because they still believe the park owes them on a defective ride. Newsflash to ACE members, it is now OK to standup on any coasters you want, and feel free to sit down on those standup rides. Or even stand backwards, anything to accelerate your death so less of you will be on this earth making the park a lot more tolerable for the GP.

WW is fun. CP_M @ TN and Perfectbowler @ SFN.

Robocoaster's avatar
AP. Bad form. To lump all ACErs together and judge them based an a vocal few shows immaturity. I don't belong to the group, but met many recently who are great people. Whatever your problem is, go deal with it....

I've gotten the Point of life, and can now pass away a happy man!.......

That was really mean. Do not speak of the deceased in such a disrespectful way. Some people...


Did I speak of the deceased??? I think not, quit putting words into my mouth. Bad form?? Who gives a ****? I am merely voicing my opinion and my opinion is such that I think all ACE people are assholes.

WW is fun. CP_M @ TN and Perfectbowler @ SFN.

You've met all of them?
Back on topic here.
Alot of times when the park has major problems the manufacturer sends someone out that can help fix the problem. If this doesn't work they will send new parts out and That will usually solve the problems.

Alot of times park maitance can fix whatever is wrong. They may wait till the off season if its the end of the year. They may have to wait on the part to arrive. Some parts may be custom built.
The Chance Chaos having 9 seats down may be down for a number of reasons. Maybe missing padding or the shoulder harness or somthing may be stuck and has to be manually taken apart. The ride may be broke a bit but still able to run abit with less seating.
Some rides may of had Major issues and they have to work gradually on them as they have many other rides to do daily work on.
The ride to be evacuated most likely had a major breakdown.
As for Tower of Doom, I'm not sure how old the ride is but they may just be getting what they can out of it before its scrapped.
Breakdowns happen. There may not be a quick fix for every breakdown. Rides have LOTS of movable parts so something can always go wrong.

Ride manufacturers do not want to be known for bad rides. No parks will buy them if they are. Some rides though are more trouble then there worth (see Bat)and they will just cut there losses and scap it OR you can take the SFKK way and have a Vekoma lawn weight (see quake).

I hope this actually answers your question.

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I find it interesting that they are operating that ride with that many inoperable seats. In CA, the law says that the entire ride must be functioning, or it cannot legally be operated for the public.Chance has had a multitude of problems with the controls on the early Chaos'. I know of at least one instance where the lap bars opened up in mid cycle.I've heard rumours of others. The answer I get is "we can neither confirm or deny".Gee, just like the military.
Look at it this way,if the ride continues to malfunction or suffer extened periods of downtime a park may consider scrapping it as a last resort.

As for SFA's chaos it has operated with 9 seats out of service ever since it was installed in 00 & has gotten stuck numerous times & therfore should be removed & replaced with a safer,more reliable ride,the same can be said for Iron eagle.

When IE was brand new the ride operated with few if any breakdowns but the reliability of the ride has deteriorated with age & with the latest problem might end up on the scrap heap because it may develop a bad reputation for breaking down in the worst possible position (upside down at the top),as a result I'm never riding it again.

As for Batwing,the ride is so complex & the engineering so poor that would explain the breakdowns & if it continues to be more trouble then it's worth,lets say 4 or 5 years from now it should be removed (SF should've known there was a reason why PKD cancelled adding the ride at the last minute)& they could perhaps replace it with that stand up from B&M that was originally on the master plans for park expansion.

IS TOD really down to running only one side? man what's with that POS? I hear it's a computer glitch that causes it to shut down if they ever try to run all 3 sides,but why is it that Intamin hasn't fixed it yet? they've had similar problems on most of the other giant drop rides nationwide.

Finally there's nothiing really wrong with TSC,the operations dept is just waiting on the maintenance dept to complete testing so they can officially turn the ride over to operations for the season but it's just now getting into peak season so they better get their rears in gear & get the job done.

PKIEMPSOB does bring up a good point though,when rides develop a reputation for constant downtime it really has an impact on the reputation of the manufacturer & can drive them out of business,just look at vekoma's bankruptcy problems caused by the DV fiasco,not to mention Arrow & the problems they had with X that practically put them out of business until S&S stepped in to buy them out as an example.

Good one, Swoosh - I think I can expand on it:

.......and to 'sweeten the pot' I'll use Intamin (you know, for ****z and giggles.....) Here we go.

(Intamin) - Thank You for calling Intamin customer service line. For instructions in English, press 1.

(Dick Kinzel) - Pressing 1.....

(Intamin) - For problems with a new coaster installation, press or say 1. For information on how we helped reconstruct Jacko's nose, press or say 2. For information on Dolly Parton and how we created the silicone framework for her new "installations" press 3.

(Dick Kinzel) - after pausing, presses 1.

(Intamin) - Please hold. The next customer service professional will be with you between .....pause.....6 to 7 minutes.....

(Dick Kinzel) - waits, clips fingernails, looks at his reflection in the mirror, looks out the window of his air-conditioned office at Cedar Point as he sips on his Top Thrill Dragster Snow Cone, chuckling at all the chumps waiting in line for TTD, thinking, "suckas!!!! that'll be the day....."

(Intamin) - Thank you for calling Intamin. My name is Gretchen. How may we be of assistance?

(Dick) - [clears throat] Hi. I'm having a problem with my new Top Thrill Dragster. I was just wondering if I can make a return.

(Intamin) - Sure, Mr. Kinzel, we'd be happy to be of assistance. Can I have your full name and address, starting with the spelling of your last name first?

(Dick) - Sure. [gives information]

(Intamin) - Thank you, Mr. Kinzel. I see you paid for your Top Thrill Dragster with your Chase Mastercard. Did you retain your receipt? Because without it we can't do anything.

(Dick) - Oh, I have it. It's right here next to my receipt for the Disaster Transport Makeover and the Mean Streak job......

(Intamin) - Okay, that's no problem. We'll send you a really big postmarked box that you can use to send your coaster back to Switzerland in. Just use the self-sticking mailing label, and drop it in the overnight Federal Express box. We'll get you a new one in six to eight weeks.

(Dick) - SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS! That's rediculous. [pause, thinking....] Well, wait a minute. I think that'll be okay. I think we can fix the website so that people will still think we're working on it. Hell, I don't care. It's not like we give rainchecks or you want us to find the Goodyear tire that fell off last month?

(Intamin) - [laugh on other end] .....oh Mr. Kinzel - if only there were more genteel people of your kind out there.....that's not necessary! We'll send you your extra large box in the mail, and if you find the tire, you can keep it. I'm sure you'll need it again!!!! [screaming laughter from both parties]

(Dick) - Oh, Gretchen, that is just to die for!

(Intamin a.k.a. Gretchen) - Aah, I like to laugh. Thanks for using Intamin for all your entertainment needs!

(Dick) - Thank you! Have a great day.


Disclaimer: DICK, BILL, JANICE WITHEROW, OR ANY OTHER HIGHER UPS THAT I FAILED TO MENTION: This is a JOKE. 100 Percent! I worship the ground you work on, love your park, and would NEVER speak ill of Cedar Point to anyone other than the like minded crazies here on Coasterbuzz. Please don't revoke my season pass. I'm waiting patiently on TTD and know you are doing your best :) :) :)

ophthodoc, while your writing is very funny- I'd stick to my day job... ;) I'm still a bit tickled about this topic, who really thinks you can just package up a coaster anyway? :)

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.

Hey, everyone's gotta have a hobby.....
The problem with the Chaos is that at the end of the ride, the backup lapbar doesn't popup on the nine seats. It it doesn't come up, obviously you can't sitdown. As they were testing the Seacoaster yesterday, I noticed that they were having trouble at the first turntable. It was stalling before the drop. I almost witnessed a block violation also. One of the boats was waiting for the second lift, and another boat was rounding the corner behind it. At just about the last momement, the first boat started climbing the lift.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.

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