DC Trip: Busch Gardens Williamsburg

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I went to Washington DC on a class trip for the first time this year. The trip was fun, but the highlight was Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

Busch Gardens Williamsburg Trip Report

As the doors of the bus opened, and our chaperones gave us a few final directions, I thought about what it would be like to ride Alpengeist. I looked at a map and saw that it was in the back of the park.

My friends and I rushed through the gates. We didn't know you could make it across the little river on foot, so we took the chair lift to the other side. We reached Alpengeist, and entered the line. After about a 30 minute wait, we boarded the inverted coaster from heaven.

Alpengeist: Rating - 10/10, Coaster Rank - 1st

What I love about Alpengeist is the inversions. Plus, it utilizes the wind, so that it actually feels like you're skiing. The theming is decent, and the wait is minimal in the morning and at night.

Half our group were too scared to go on Alpengeist, so we went on a tamer coaster, or so we thought. We took the chairlift over to Loch Ness Monster. The line was short, we only waited about 10 minutes. Then we boarded the Loch Ness Monster.

Loch Ness Monster: Rating - 6/10, Coaster Rank - 23rd

Loch Ness Monster's great theming cover's up for it's ride. The first hill's steepness is surprising. The interlocking loops aren't worth it, but the tunnel is fun. I think it is a decent ride with great scenery.

After the ride, we decided to ride again for three reasons: It was fun, short lines, and funny pictures. I posed as a tourist reading a map in the picture, but we didn't buy it. We decided we would head for The Big Bad Wolf. We stopped at a few game booths along the way, went on swings and bumper cars, and then finally arrived. The wait was about 20 minutes, and then we boarded the wolf.

The Big Bad Wolf: Rating - 4.5/10, Coaster Rank - 34th

As I went up The Big Bad Wolf's chain lift, I wondered if the wait would be worth it. By the end of the ride, I had my answer: No. The first drop was unfulfilling, and by the time it got good, it was over. If you want to ride it, wait for a low wait, ecspecially in the morning when everyone else is at Apollo's Chariot and Alpengeist.

After The Big Bad Wolf, everyone was in the mood for a water ride. So we found the path that crosses the river, and took it to Roman Rapids. After a terribly boring 45 minute wait, we got on the spinning platform and boarded our raft. I wanted to get drenched.

Roman Rapids: Rating - 5/10, Drench Factor - 4/5

The first part of Roman Rapids was best. I was absolutely soaked. The waterfalls were good, but they needed more whirlpools so that everyone got under the water. And of course, the worst part was waiting at the end for the other rafts to unload. I did get wet though, which is the goal.

After Roman Rapids we wanted to dry off, and what better way than a hypercoaster? So, we headed for Apollo's Chariot. We got in what we thought was the first row line, but turned out to be the singles line. Either way, we were still riding.

Apollo's Chariot: Rating - 9.5/10, Coaster Rank - 9th

The best part of Apollo's Chariot, as is the same with Raging Bull, is the openness of the restraint. The drop was awesome, and the whole ride was very refreshing and fulfilling. The only down side was where they took the picture. By that point in the ride, all the excitement is gone and a shocked mellowness is left. Apollo's Chariot was a wonderful ride, but definitely not for beginners.

After Apollo, we jogged over to Alpengeist. We rode Alpengeist after a 5 minute wait, then headed back to Apollo's Chariot. After a 15 minutes and another great ride, the group split up. Two of us stayed at Apollo's Chariot, Two others went back to the midway to play more games, and 2 others and I ran back to Alpengeist. It was about 9:15pm, and we boarded immediately. We rode two more times in a row, and then realized it was 5 to 10. We sprinted to the chairlift, but the line was too long, so we ran back through Ireland to Big Ben and the exit. Outside the park, I stopped for a pretzel, my dinner for the night. Then, we boarded the bus and headed for the hotel. What a day.

Busch Gardens Williamsburg: Rating - 8/10, Rank - T-3rd

Busch Gardens Williamsburg has two wonderful roller coasters. I envy those who call this park home. They have great theming, and wonderful cultures. If you are in the Ireland area, it actually feels like you're in Ireland. If you're considering going to Disney World, think again, and come to Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

D-Mon of Darkness

My friend calls BGW "The happiest place on earth" and on our most recent trip, his friend came along and said BGW was better than Disney World.

I'm kind of surprised you thought of Big Bad Wolf the way you did. The first drop may have been short but the continuous high speed swinging through the village makes up for it. It definitely is the best Arrow suspended ever built.

X Factor

SFWoA: An Unofficial Guide

Come on man how could you not like BBW? sure the first half is a bit slow but that beautiful 80 ft drop and turn over the Rhine river certainly makes up for it.

So far BBW is the only arrow suspended I've ever ridden and I sure enjoyed every single minute of it.

Alpengeist is my 2nd favorite. The inversions are pretty intense. But actually I liked BBW alot. The theming is cool for the park too.


*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN on 7/30/2002. ***

Sounds like you had a very fun time. I hope to get to BGW next year. I'm surprised you thought a 20 minute wait for BBW wasn't worth the ride. Most people say its the best Arrow suspended out there. I look forward to riding it. Good TR.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

Big bad wolf was good, but i tend to be difficult with my ratings. I'm not saying it's terrible, but I don't necessarily like suspended roller coasters period. As far as suspendeds go, Big Bad Wolf is first rate.

D-Mon of Darkness

No Wilde Maus?

Islands of Adventure, why go there?

It's funny I really didn't like Alpengiest at all. Actually that's really sad. It did nothing for me it wasn't as intense as Batman TR IMO and I thought it was a waste of time. Apollo's Chariot is my number 1 I thought that beat Alpengiest 10 fold. Unfortunatley BBW was down the whole day so I did not get to ride. And yeah no Wilde Maus? It was my first mouse and I actually preferred it over Alpengiest, strange but true.

Tuesday's Gone With The Wind.
Elijah Rock.
Is it written in the stars?
La Vie Boheme!!!

My group didn't want to go on wilde maus, I guess I could've gone on it by myself, but I didn't think it was worth splitting up with the group. The only mouse-type ride i've ever been on is the one at PNE Playland.

D-Mon of Darkness

Big Bad Wolf is great. Rode it for the first time this past weekend. Front row is the only way to ride. I found the entire ride to be enjoyable. Did not enjoy lochness at all. It was a rough ride.

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Mike "Viper"

I stand on my point that BBW isn't all that it's made up to be.

D-Mon of Darkness

Nessie was another ride that I enjoyed when I rode it,what it lacks in loops it makes up for in G's.

When I went there back in 97,which was my only trip there thus far I enjoyed every coaster I went on,those being Nessie,BBW and the now defunct DF,the only coasters I passed on were wild maus and Alpie,the only flat ride that I didn't like was Davincci's cradle which is one insane and wicked experience.

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