Day at Hershey May 31

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Well my girlfriend and I were looking at coaster websites and came upon Hershey park Wednesday night the 29. Since I havent been there in over 12 years and she is a big chocolate fan, but not a coaster fan we decided it would still be worth the trip. We find a nice hotel less than a mile away and book.

Thursday afternoon we leave. Not a bad 3 hour drive, didnt seem that long. We arrived in the town of Hershey and notice everyone is on strike. Talking to a mechanic later I find out that they dont want to pay an extra 3% for health care or thats what he told us. I noticed everyone honking in support but I merely rolled down the window and yelled get back to work.

Friday morning wake up and hit the hotel's free breakfast. Not bad they had belgian waffles and other stuff, but most important it was free and quite good. Around 9 45 we leave for the park. Upon arriving at the park what do I notice.... about 100 buses. Ohhh *&%@ Oh well wouldnt let that ruin my day.

First ride of the day. What else the chocolate tour. Man when was the last time this thing was updated? After the ancient tour we finally enetered the park. I should say that there was only 3 things I really wanted to do at the park, and they would turn out to be the only 3 coasters I would ride too.

First coaster, Great Bear. 10 minute wait for the second car. Since this was my girlfreinds first steel coaster, I couldnt talk her into the front or the back. Very good ride. I liked it better than B:TR. Was more intense than I thought it would be and the dive loop?? was great. Next up Lightning Racer. Waited 5 - 10 minutes for the middle of Lightning. Again couldnt get her in the front or back. Granted it was only her third coaster. Another winner. Some nice g's and the fly bys were excellent. After LR we hit Wildcat, which would turn out to be the last coaster of the day :( Another short wait for the middle. I loved it. She hated it. The lateral g's were too intense for her. She has a bad neck. She didnt like that one at all.

After Wildcat we walked around the park for awhile noticing that little girls dress more and more skimpy by the day. I am only 20, but I would never let my future daughter out in half the stuff these girls wear.

So all coastered out we walk to ZooAmerica. Nice little zoo. Best part was the wolf that pounced on a bird and ate it right in front of us. We re-entered the park and caught the last 5 minutes of the dolphin show. After the dolphin show we hit up the Monorail. Notice no thrill rides. After the monorail we decided to see the entire show. Very good show. Sea lions and dolphins were very entertaining and a worhty side stop.

We continued to walk around. We hit up the classic cars after th kissing towers. Around 3 we decided to leave to go back to the hotel for awhile. At the hotel we went swimming. At the pool there must have been about 20 teenage boys all wearing pants and long sleeves shirts. Can someone fill me in on this? Some kind of religion? We showered, stopped at Pizza Hut and returned to the park. We forgot all about our hand stamps and were worried that we would have to pay to get back in. We didnt a little sliver of blue showed up. Whew!

Well arriving back at the park all the buses were leaving and the park was pretty much empty, but D'OH the sky was getting dark.

We get to the Comet and right as we are about to board it closes. So we leave the station and find a bench. I play some games, win some prizes. A little girl that lsot was crying because she lost at the water squirt game. I hurried over and won for her. she was sooo happy. She hugged this dolphin so hard and walked over and gave me a hug. Made my day by far. I am such a sucker for kids. Meanwhile we notice that this whole time, about 20 minutes, the sooperdooperlooper was running. We run over there and stand in line. About 5 minutes later as I am about to board it closes. Man this has never happened to me. I teased my girlfriend calling her bad luck.

We walked around a little more. I noticed Hershey is not that well planned out, IMHO, it is just whole bunch of paths that lead to the same place. Anyways still had some shopping to do. We hit all the stores, get what we need and leave. As we are leaving the park, about 9 45, we are driving around the back of the park and notice Great Bear cycling thru its course with riders. Oh well.

Over I had a great day. I am so used to riding as many coasters as possible, but today it was nice to just walk around and see the things I usually skip. I got in the 3 coasters I wanted to, saw some good shows and took in a great zoo, as well as a beautiful gem of a park.

Great TR! At least you rode the best coasters, are these animals at HP itself>

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?

Well its connected. Zoo America. The entrance is right near the Flying Falcon

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