Darien Lake 2005-05-07

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eightdotthree's avatar
Took a quick trip to Darien Lake Saturday to buy our season passes for the year, only $55.00 to get into four parks (possibly more) this summer, cant pass that up. I havent been to the park for three years now and sadly not much has changed. Being opening day the park was clean and the employees were nice. But man, the entire place is blacktop, and smells of tar. It was pretty nasty, even the places you eat are blacktop. Not conductive to a good time, especially when it gets hot. Yuck.

I really just wanted to post about Superman. Damn, the ride was on fire. It was running the best I have ever seen either of the clones run. Massive air on each of the hills, insane ejector air after the first helix. It was a great time. They only had one train up and running, the second didnt even have its shell or upstop wheels on. Wait time when we got there was 45 minutes, went and ate some fries, came back and it was a station wait.

The only other rides I would have wanted to ride, Predator and Viper were both down.

I know I saw an enthusiast in line, if you were there Saturday say hello.

Ride of Steel's avatar
This is why I hate darien lake. It has so much potential but the run it like crap...The trains SHOULD be ready. They've had all spring and they've sat on their asses. Cedar Point had all their rides running for opening day from what I here and they had tons of improvements to do.

2 of 5 coasters down is unacceptable.

Ride of Steel's avatar
BTW, how many trains did Mind Eraser have? Were there anyother rides down?
eightdotthree's avatar
Didnt go near Mind Eraser, from a distance I assume it was only one train. It was called a preview weekend, so I assume they werent planning on being 100%.

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