DAN-EL's Cedar Point review, Day 2 (6-13-02)

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It took me awhile to find time for this report....sorry about that. If you'll racall from my last CP report, I hadn't been able to ride Wicked Twister because it had mechanical difficulties. I was similarly unable to ride Superman:Ultimate Escape at SFWoA, it was beginning to look as I would never ride an Intamin Impulse. When I entered the park for the second time in 3 days, I was aghast to find WT still closed! If looked as if my luck was as bad as ever.

Anyway, I decided to head straight for MF, good choice as it was only a 45 min wait for a front seat ride. My other rides on MF had been towards the back, this time I rode single in the front seat. Man what a ride! The view as I plummeted down the first drop, hands raised, was awe inspiring! This time I bought the on ride photo as it clearly showed me alone in the front, something to brag about!

Next, I headed over to Magnum, only 15 mins for a front seat ride, the crowds hadn't made it past Raptor and MF yet, so this ride was ripe for the taking. Another fantastic ride on a one-of-a-kind coaster! Wicked airtime, and those tunnels are truly unforgettable. The line was still short so I grabbed another ride in back this time. This ride is not for coaster wimps as it is plenty rough, but for those with the stomach for a mean ride, you will be in heaven!

Since it was near by, I decided to give Gemeni another go. Rough but fun, the blue side was still winning all the races.This ride strikes me as a cross between a mine train and a Cyclone style woodie, fun if you can handle it.

For some unknown reason, I decided to give Mean Streak another go. I quickly regretted that decision! The ride had a short line ( Gee, I wonder why?!!!) so I made my way back up the que and got in the front of what was a nearly deserted train. Another badly overbraked first drop, and another dull airless ride. Real piece of crap, sad.

I made my way back up to Mantis and got in line. After about an hour, I boarded near the back. I continue to be impressed with the way the CP ops make sure that everyone is comfortable before dispatching the trains. The ride was not as smooth as my last ride in the front, but still quite fun. Get rid of that stupid trim on the first drop!!!

I noticed Wildcat, a wild mouse coaster, I think... Anyway, I hadn't ridden it the frist time I was at CP, so I got in the relatively short line. The ride was fun, I had my hands up most of the way through. Fun drops and turns... that is, until the last turn before the end run. I had my hands up going in to the turn when all of a sudden, WHAP!!! YEEOOWWCH!! I should have know better than to raise my hands on this ride, the supports where not near high enough for anyone with even moderatly long arms to clear! I smacked my hand hard on the overhead steel supports as the car raced through the turn. Nothing broken, but man did it hurt.

My hand was still throbbing as I entered the Raptor que. About an hour and a half wait this time. Another great ride, but as I was riding, I noticed a WT train making it's way up the left spike!! YEAH BABY!

I quickly headed over to the WT line and saw that they were testing. The op at the que intrance informed passers by that they didn't know if the ride would be opened today, I prayed and hoped. I hit the Johhny Rockets again, and when I returned they were letting people into the que. The ride opend about 5 mins later. As I started to board, however, I heard an English accented voice booming over the loud speaker not to load the train. NO! NO! NO! not when I'm so close! Finally, after long agonizing moments, the same English sounding voice gave the command to "LOAD TRAINS!, LOAD TRAINS!" At last!!

Wicked Twister-Intamin Impulse...The main fun here is the four launches, 2 forward, 2 backwards. The twisting vertical spikes were fun, but nothing that special. I was near the back of the train and had a great time on the back spike as I went up, great view! But again, the real fun was in the four launches. Rating 7

I'll wrap this report up by saying that I took another ride on WT and 2 more on Maggie. Aftewards I spent the remainder of my time riding MF. Staying just long enough to get in one last nightime ride!


Soggy's avatar
Ah, so you DID finally get on an Intamin Impulse. Good for you. I hope to give SFMW's V2 a ride this year. I missed out last year and now it's no longer a clone!

I wish I had more than one day when I went to CP in 2000. I would have loved to get more than just one ride on Maggie, Millie, Raptor & Mantis.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

I smacked my hand on the Cedar Creek Mine ride last year. I had always lowered them on rides when it looked close. This time, I thought they designed it with safety in mind, there would be enough clearance. I guese that is why they have those metal shields when you cross under the tracks. Like you, nothing broke, just some stinging. Good to here that you wrode WT. It was working when I was there, but I'm too big to ride it. I'm 6'4" and could not get the ots harness locked. Made me mad because I have no trouble on the Raptor or Mantis, or any other ride in the park.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

Nice TR!

-Sean Newman
88 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC Coaster # 100 in July.
Nitro Laps:105
B+R Launches:28

Soggy, if you ever get the chance, go to SfoG and ride Acrophobia, your life will be changed forever. Out of all the rides I was on, Acro was easily the most memorable! NO, make that, the most unforgettable!


Nice TR!


Mental wounds still screaming........

Driving me insane.....

I'm going off the rails on a crazy Train......

*** This post was edited by SFDL fan on 7/9/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by SFDL fan on 7/9/2002. ***

Soggy's avatar
Yeah, I remember that on your entire little coaster jaunt of recent TR's, Acrophobia was the only "perfect 10" rating you gave out. I have been on PKI's Drop Zone and was not all that impressed, I liked the S&S versions better. Actually, that one coaster show not too long ago had some good Acrophobia footage, it does look better than the standard Giro-Drop.

Sadly, I don't see myself getting to SFoG any time soon. We may be hitting Florida next Spring, maybe we could make the drive from there?

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

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