CPlaya Park 1 - Big Chief's K&C in BulletPoint

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ARRIVED: 10:08 am 6/6/02

LEFT: about 10:30

PARK APPEARANCE/ATMOSPHERE: Bare-bones and sparse. Cheerless concrete paths, existing foilage, go-kart tracks and the coasters. A sign by the ticket booth warned the park had no insurance--so don't bother walking off a coaster rubbing your neck.

RIDE QUEUE TIMES: You're kidding, right? It was 10:00 on a Wednesday morning. There were no lines.

BEST EXPERIENCE: In the park? I'll get to that. Overall, it was driving down the road of a resort town that time forgot....cheesy AAA-approved motels in gaudy colors, huge billboards boasting of the world's greatest attractions, etc.

WORST EXPERIENCE: Paying to ride anything. 4 coaster rides cost $20 and that was the so-called special.

MOST PLEASANT SURPRISE: That I'd pay $20 to do it again. Well, actually I'd pay $34 to ride half the day instead.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: That I had so much more to do that day.



Cyclops, which immediately became my #1 woodie. ST what? Boulder Dash who? Drop #1 has a lovely twist, #2 has violent air and then there's the drop after the midcourse brakes into a trench. No one under 18 is allowed to ride the back row--and for good reason. This is the first time I've ever had to catch myself by my feet. Credit the PTC trains, equipped only with a buzz bar and a single seatbelt spanning the entire bench. This thing delivers air at 10:30 that the Cornball can't match until 10 pm. Could use another 800 feet of hops and helix in my dreams.


Zeus, which I'd still rate above ST by a nose hair. This 90-footer romps through the woods, has an interesting turnaround and still provides a few hits of good air first thing in the morning. I'd love to try it after dark.

Pegasus, a family CCI. Pales in comparison to its older brethen. Tiny pops of air, fairly interesting laterals, designed with considerable and obvious restraint. However, if you're one of those people who believes CP's Blue Streak has air, there's nothing here to complain about.

MAJOR NON-COASTER ACTIVITIES: None. I didn't have time for the go-karts. I took a lot of photos in Black and White film tho

OTHER COMMENTS: And so it began--with the bar set awfully high for any other lumber.

Click here for CPlaya 100 Park 2 (Riverview Park)

Click here for CPlaya 100 overview


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 6/3/2003 2:33:45 PM ***

Nice, TR...Hold up, though. I see in your track record, you went to Lake Compounce, but you didnt go to Six Flags New England to ride S:RoS??...explain yourself. :)

Dayuum, Your HOT!

*** This post was edited by Coasterr on 6/14/2002. ***

Cyclops sounds awesome, if it delivers as much air as you say it does. But you can't ride the back until you're 18, that's totally unfair for someone who's 13 and as big as many grown men, and I'm not talking midgets. I'm nearing 6 foot right now.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

The wood at Big Chiefs is truly amazing. Zeus at night is out of control a great coaster. I really like Cyclops but it is too much of a one trick pony for me. It has that one spot of "Oh My Gawd I am Gonna Fly out of here" But its over.

I tell you I loved Pegasus such a cool layout for a tiny little coaster.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Raging Rider said:
Cyclops sounds awesome, if it delivers as much air as you say it does. But you can't ride the back until you're 18, that's totally unfair for someone who's 13 and as big as many grown men, and I'm not talking midgets. I'm nearing 6 foot right now.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

I think they have that sign to scare people. My little brother went in the back row when he was 14, and he was about 5'8". The attendant asked him if he was ready and told him to hold on tight, like trying to make it seem like some rule was being broken. It really worked! My brother held on tight the first time until the end, and said "What was that guy talking about? Giant Dipper at the Boardwalk(Santa Cruz) launches you out of your seat just as much, and the lap bar isn't as tight as it is here!"(he's not an enthusiast)

It's a good idea really. It makes more of the GP go for the back seat than usual, I'd like to see a similar experiment at a theme park with longer lines.


"Eject Goose, Eject!"

CoastaPlaya said:

ARRIVED: 10:08 am 6/6/02

LEFT: about 10:30

22 minutes in the park? 22 MINUTES? Geez dude, you really must have been on a mission to hit all of the parks that you did.

Anyway, the CCI's at Big Chiefs are truly amazing. I have never experienced ejector air like I did on the second drop on Cyclops.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Kick The Sky's avatar

Cyclops is the ejector air king, queen, prince, princess, all of the freaking royalty of ejector air. A month ago I would have told you this was my favorite woodie too and it is still my definate number two. My problem with it is that it is way too short. When I rode Boss at SFStl though and experienced a long CCI with a TON of floater air, Cyclops was dethroned. I will mention that I have a few CCI's in Indiana yet to ride this summer so all this could change again.

As a side note, I wrote this park last year about setting up a "coaster only" pass that would be cheaper than the all ride/half day pass. They said they were looking into it and I really hope they do because one of these days I am gonna go down there for a whole day on Cyclops and have me a religious experience.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member
"We are not responsible for anything the Demon takes or breaks"

That 'No one under 18 in the back seat' is crap. I've heard that one car was removed, maybe when that was there, the rule was inforced. But now, they have no problem with minors in the back. Raging Rider, yes, it is that great. I have troubles deciding if that, or Viper, is my favorite woodie around.

I can't belive you were only there for 20 minutes. I could spend 8 hours there, and not get bored! I still have to plan my trip there for this summer. I havn't been there since mid September. Cyclops is calling my name, and Zeus wants to bruise my legs again with it's evil double-down.

Deja Vu in the front seat makes V2 feel like a kiddie ride!

Coasterr: I had about 4 hours to get away to CT during the course of another trip. LC was closer and not as demanding on my time. I loved it and would make the same decision again.

TrBiggar: Cyclops or Viper? In the same sentence? Whaaaa?? I guess I have to work my way to park #4...


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Gotta give love to CCi for building the best wooden for a price even this place could afford!

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

Kick The Sky said:

I will mention that I have a few CCI's in Indiana yet to ride this summer so all this could change again.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member
"We are not responsible for anything the Demon takes or breaks"

Begun, the air debate has. You must ride Indiana's wood before you can judge what wood is best. At least 3 GREAT ones, and LoCoSuMo (locosumo, pronounce it, :~D) sounds like a pretty good coaster, too.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

The "riders in the back seat must be 18" sign is still there from when the train had six cars. The rule doesn't exist anymore.


*** This post was edited by coasterdude318 on 6/19/2002. ***

CoastaPlaya said:

Coasterr: I had about 4 hours to get away to CT during the course of another trip. LC was closer and not as demanding on my time. I loved it and would make the same decision again.

Oh, ok...That kinda sucks, I guess. Im hoping to make it to SFNE/LC this summer.

Dayuum, Your HOT!

You also have to keep in mind that my trip to CT was the week after Labor Day last year, which limited many of my options. Most parks were only open on the weekends. I spent time with the family Friday and picked a Saturday (LC) and Sunday (DP--on the way home) park to visit.


Ok, gotcha, 'playa. So, were you impressed with BoulderDash??

Dayuum, Your HOT!

I went last summer and had a blast but i just wish they had one more cci coaster to top it of.But other than that I couldent complain.

Coasterr said:

Ok, gotcha, 'playa. So, were you impressed with BoulderDash??

Certainly...the lift hill and the first half are like nothing else anywhere. I was riding it in the early hours, tho--and the forces just weren't there. At the time, it was a photo finish #2 (I gave ST just a bit more credit for the helix and lack of stunning visuals) but that was before Cyclops. Cyclops is violent 5 minutes after opening.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 6/21/2002. ***

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