cp or pki

Guys, you don't have to be that mean, gosh. ;)

CP was amazing, going back next June to ride Maverick

Mamoosh's avatar
Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

I would never dream of posting a question like his. Why? Because unless you're my close friend or relative you probably don't have ANY idea what types of rides I like; or what kind of parks I like; or how I like to travel; or if I like coasters only or spinning rides too; or if I like water rides; etc, etc, etc.

The only person who can decide which park to visit is himself. And since he obviously has access to the internet -- he's posting on CB! -- then he also has access to plenty of information to research and make an informed decision for himself.

IF he is unable to do that then he needs to be MUCH more specific in how he states his question, such as:

"I'm trying to decide between CP and PKI. I've been to CP but not PKI. I like big steel coasters and flat rides. Which park would I probably enjoy more?"

See, then we'd be able to give him an INFORMED answer.

--end of rant--

I'm not being mean. I just hate laziness.

So when do we ban 'or' topics?
Mamoosh's avatar
I've got nothing again "or" topics so long as the person asking gives enough information for people to give an informed answer.
I feel a rumblin' in my tummy. Which way should I let it out?

Seriously, why not ask your friends which they would prefer since you've been to both and can probably explain what each park has to offer.

Gheez I sure hope he's not a Notre Dame student, I thought that school was supposed to have a strong academic background. But I guess the Catholic church doesn't mind people who can't think for themselves. ;)

Yeah is Good!
Mamoosh's avatar
ROFL Inci ;)
Glad you enjoyed.

I figure this thread is doomed as soon as a mod finds it, so what better place for a little bit of social commentary.

Yeah is Good!

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