CP crowds question.

Downhill Screamer

Monday, June 21, 2004 8:32 PM
Hello to all,

I am travelling to Cedar Point for the first time next week. We'll be in the area Saturday through Friday. Following cedarpoint.com's recommendations we plan on visiting the park on Sunday and Tuesday, as the site shows those days being the least crowded. It seems counter-intuative that a Sunday would be slower than a Wednesday, or Thursday. I know at my home park (Lake Compounce), Sundays are usually just as busy as Saturdays. Is Cedar Point really less crowded on Sundays ? And if so why would that be ?

Thanks for any help from the CP regulars.



Monday, June 21, 2004 9:16 PM
I wouldn't consider myself a regular, even though I am obsessed with the place ;) I'll be there next week too!! I'll be there Sunday through Sunday.


Monday, June 21, 2004 10:18 PM
Jeff's avatar
No, they're just making it up because they want you to show up on a crowded day. Honestly, why would they lie to you?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog



Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:43 AM
Yes, the park is typically less crowded on Sundays, especially at this time of the season (I've worked there five seasons). Think about it - most people will be going to work the next day, so if they have any sort of drive they can't be visiting the park. There are church services, and many people spend Sundays with family rather than out at entertainment venues such as amusement parks. Granted, the crowds won't be THAT much less, but yes, it's far better than a typical Saturday.

Enjoy your visit!



Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:53 AM
Well I am a regular and Sundays are definately less crowded...I went last Sunday this Sunday n today (monday) and the busiest of those was the monday, but i have noticed smaller crowds this year compared to last year.

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