CP Clones

coasterfreaky said:

Oprylands "Screamin Delta Demon" is cloned from CP's Disaster Transport, I believe.

Screamin' Delta Demon was one of the few non-cloned bobsled rides. It ended the same, but had more of a middle section to it. And I am not really sure if I would count corkscrew, the layout is "unique" to CP.

La Vibora is way different from my recollection. Plus it doesn't use similar trains at all. The first section of La Vibora is practically the same as DT, but I think I remember the ends being much different.

-Raptor Crew-
Top 5 Steel: X, MF, Raptor, Kumba, Goliath(SFH)

About Wildcats:

Wildcat is a standard Schwartzkopf design, and has been(and still is) used @ many carnivals. However, The Wildcat @ Cedar Point was Anton Schwartzkopf's first permanent coaster (I'm not sure if they got the idea to make it a carnival ride after or if they had used it before).


169 days until Cedar Point reopens!

I knew there was something unique about CP's Wildcat. I wish Rideman could c'mon down and set us straight. ;)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Kentucky Kingdom's standup is almost identical to Mantis.
rollergator's avatar

I am *almost* sure that Anton built MOST of his rides to be transportable because of the large market in Europe with traveling fairs and carnivals (so they *would've* been the first ones)...I would *guess* that RideMan was Po!nt!ng out that CP's was the first "permanent install" of a WildCat....pretty sure the "terrain Antons" are the truly rare birds...

Dave, please set me (and us) straight f this is in error...

Rctycoon2k's avatar
your wrong, if you look, the Wildcat is not a permanent coaster, its sitting litterally on boards of wood, no joke, but I still don't get why they sold there other Wildcat, and bought a used version of the same ride, which is there today. I still don't get that at all...

Shaun Rajewski

nasai's avatar
Orochi IS awesome. The ride, to me, out performs Raptor. Granted, I have ridden it much more than Raptor, but this my humble opinion, and I am sticking to it.

Just because is sits on wood, doesn't mean it is not permanent. Travelling carnivals usually use wood to level rides that are assembled on uneven ground. Wildcat, and many of the others, sit on even cement pads, but still contain the wood blocks.

Rideman can probably tell us why (don't you like feeling needed?) this happens.

And slightly off from CP, but still in the CF family, Timberwolf at WOF was cloned for Tonnerre de Zeus, however there were some modifications and enhancements.

CoastaPlaya said:

Personally, I wish CF was more into 'cloning' than they are. I sure could use a Gemini clone 20 minutes from home...


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I don't agree with that. I think one of the many things that seperates Cedar Fair from Six Flags is the uniqueness of every single ride. I mean, imagine if Dorney got a Millennium Force, or if Cedar Point got a Shivering Timbers, or if Valley Fair got an XCelerator (same layout, unlike CP's). It just wouldn't be original. Yeah, some people would be glad because they wouldn't have to travel out so far to see it anymore because it's in their homepark, but that's the whole fun of Amusement Park hopping, to see what other parks have that make them different from other parks! Personally, I am against the entire Six Flags corporation in general for many reasons, and that is just one of them. Thank you.

wahoo skipper said:
Kentucky Kingdom's standup is almost identical to Mantis.

Yep. Other than it being a mirror image and having a completely different 2nd half. But other than that, yes ;) Did I also mention Chang is slightly larger in all categories of specifications in contrast to Mantis?

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