CP: 7/25/04 short trip

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I made a solo trip to the point.

Entered at the Magnum gates at 9:00. TTD wasn't testing, so I ran er jogged to MF. I rode it twice ( man, did that get crowded quick.)

So, then I rode Mantis, twice. I think I've finally gotten used to that ride. I usually ride coasters in the back, but this coaster hurt where it counts, so I've stopped riding it completely. I learned from someone that if you ride it near the front, that doesn't happen. (Eventually, I tested this theory on Georgia Scorcher, with good results)

So, off to collect my freeway stamps. The first one I got was MF. Then off to get my Raptor stamp.

I was curious to see how long the wait for Raptor was at 11:30. 1.5 hours, I went over to look at the queue, it was almost completely full.

I headed over to WT and rode it once, last seat. I love this coaster in the back. Steel Venom, ( I like the name S:UE way better) is IMO way better because of the holding brakes. ( and it's usually walk-on)

I went to Power Tower, and rode it going up. This ride I love, especially dropping down.

Then I rode Magnum, twice, 25 min wait each time. Both in my favorite seat, 6:1 left side.

Then I went to the JCC picnic in the park. Talked to the girl who took my $7, she said about 13 people showed up in the first hour. About 5 other people showed up while I was eating.

An ambulance showed up at the Raptor while I was eating, don't know exactly what happened, but from where I was eating my lunch, I saw ride-ops go out to talk to people on the final brake run.

So, after lunch, I head over to ride WT again, very back seat. At this point it started drizzling.

Then I saw Raptor was running, so I head over there , and waited 30 min for my ride time. (Line was 45 min long, but Freeway made it 7 min)

Then I head over to MF, and a 1.5 hour line was cut down to 15 min thanks to Freeway) The people I cut in front of asked my how much my stamp cost. They were in disbelief when I told them it was free.

I decided to go home... The park wasn't really busy, I was just too tired to wait in a line, and it stopped raining as I left, but I just kept leaving.

I left about 4pm

I was there too today and had a similar 'gameplan'. I rode Mantis twice around 9:30 and got the MF Freeway Stamp for 2-3 P.M. and had a blast riding front row in the rain. I wasted a lot of time waiting for TTD though in the rain, but eventually got on it in the evening.

[url="http://www.geaugaguide.com"]Geauga Guide[/url]

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