CP 5/9/03 - Walk-on Friday

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This was probably the best trip that I have had at Cedar Point. Short lines and lots of re-rides.

Me and three of my friends arrived at the park at 9:45a.m.

Once the gates opened, we ran to TTD only to find it closed and a line quickly forming. We decided to wait it out. At 10:00, employees explained the ride would be down and didnt know how long it would be. Finally, at 11:30, they tested the ride. Amazed at the launch, we were more determined to ride.

They finally opened the que and we went through the amazingly long line, reading all the interesting signs comparing TTD to real drag racing. Waiting in the line, they finally allowed people onto the station around 11:50. We got on the 5th or 6th train in the 3rd row. What a ride! The lauch is incredible and the twisting drop is insane. It was also an incredible feeling looking down onto MF.

Awsome ride: 10/10

Next up was Power Tower. No line what-so-ever. Got on and were facing TTD. After reaching the top, we realized that we were barely half as tall as Dragster.

Great drop ride: 10/10

We then went to Mantis only to find it closed so we headed on to:

Millennium Force: Yet another walk-on and they were only using the red train while they tested the yellow train. This ride was a great ride, however the intensity paled in comparison to Dragster. Still my favorite coaster 9/10

After re-riding MF a couple more times, we ate lunch at the Happy Friar and went on over to

Magnum XL-200: We were greeted by another walk-on and rode in seats 1-2 and 1-3. Great ride with great air-time. It seemed like it was rougher than last year, but still had great air-time. 8/10

Walking on over to Gemini, we were not surprised to find that this would be a walk-on as well. Only the red side was running. A fun ride. but would have been better if it was racing. 6/10

Next up was Mean Streak. It's an ok woodie, but it is a little too rough for my liking. 4/10

We then headed back to TTD to be greeted by a 1 1/2 hour wait. What the heck. TTD broke down 3 times in that 1 1/2 hour wait causing our wait to be 2 hrs. 20 min. Still a fun ride.

Next was Wicked Twister. The area looks nicer with Chaos and Troika, but something really needs to be done with DT. It looks too out of place.

Wicked Twister: Walk-on. A fun ride and it seemed to be running at its full potential. 8/10

We headed on over to Raptor: Walk-on. Rode row 3. Raptor may be an older inverted, but it is still my second favorite inverted coaster. 10/10

Overall, it was a great day. We rode TTD 4 times, Raptor 2, Millennium Force 3, Wicked Twister 1, Means Streak 1, Gemini 1, and Magnum 2. Hopefully, TTD will keep all the lines down and I will definately be back many more times this year.

"Definitely' is definitely the most mispelled word on coasterbuzz.


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