CP 5/15/04 - School Group Day

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Hmmm...what should I say. Today I elected to return to CP because the weather was kind of dreary. I assumed the park would be somewhat of a ghost town.

I arrived at 8:45am. Entered the park at 9am. Rode MF twice (all three trains are running), over to Mantis (both trains running) three times, Mean Streak five times, WT once, and Mine Ride once.

I was not suprised that TTD was down today. It was a bit of a rainy day. BTW...MF is a real son-of-a-gun to ride in the rain. Tiny rain drops hurt the face at 90+ MPH.

However around noon I popped on Magnum. I noticed that the parking lot was not particularly full but there were a ton of buses in the lot. Tons of buses equal tons of school kids. Had I known that it was school day @ CP I would not have gone. Shortly after the ride on Magnum I began to head back to my vehicle for lunch. After lunch I returned to the park.

At about 1 pm the parks' major attractions had wait times anywhere from 1 3/4 hrs to 3 plus hours. Even Blue Streak, Cork Screw, and Disaster Transport were experiencing ride waits of over one hour.

I guess this is just a warning that it appears that the second and probably the third weeks of May are big school trip weekends. The kids were horrible. Primarily because the only way to express themselves is apparently by dropping the "F" bomb whenever possible.

I could not believe it but I was back to Metro Detroit by 4:30pm.

Don't go on June 1st. Thats when my school is going. Trust me, you haven't heard the F Bomb until you hear these kids say it.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

Lord Gonchar's avatar

MotorCityCoasterFan said:

The kids were horrible. Primarily because the only way to express themselves is apparently by dropping the "F" bomb whenever possible.

Eh, if that's the worst thing those kids ever do in their lives then they'll be ok :)

F-bomb connoisseur

I also made the bad call on picking an uncrowded day...you know it's bad when DT has a full queue and MS is using it's extra queue blocks.

Magnum came through with pretty reasonable waits most of the day though, so it wasn't a completely lost cause.

"Find yourself a dream and, when you find it, chase it like a bull chasing a rodeo clown; don't give that clown an inch, not one inch" -Sean Kelly

MotorCityCoasterFan said:At about 1 pm the parks' major attractions had wait times anywhere from 1 3/4 hrs to 3 plus hours. Even Blue Streak, Cork Screw, and Disaster Transport were experiencing ride waits of over one hour.

I was ther and went on Corkscrew. It was a fifteen minute wait for me in the afternoon. Also only waited 15 for Bue Streak. Mantis Man-Mean Streaks line was a walk-on in the late afternoon but I do remember it was pretty long early on. Were talking about yesterday, right? LOL.

Yeah, yesterday.

Actually, the whole of May Saturday's are "Music In The Parks" competitions. These take place in either Six Flags in Ohio, or CP (At least in this region).

Also, School trips are mostly in June or late May :).

Coming from a student that was there.....

I can safely say that it wasn't only school groups. Our church group of about 60 people was there as well. Oddly enough, the longest wait in the queue I had was one hour on the Raptor. The longest wait on a ride, however, was 25 minutes on TTD, you gotta love when it breaks down at the launch area! I don't know if I'll get flamed for this (hopefully not), but my (LONG) trip report is over at pointbuzz. http://www.pointbuzz.com/cpplace.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=14414

Shut up, sit down, strap in, Hold on!
I was just at Hersheypark this past Thursday 5-13-04 thinking the same way as you. I figured I could hook up with many rides on Storm Runner, and to my surprise it was Physics Day. They had schools from all over in attendance. Needless to say I didn't get to ride Storm Runner too much. It actually ended up being down a good part of the day.

They should have something on their website to indicate these days so other people know to stay clear. It seems with out fail that I end up at various parks for different such events. 2 years in a row I was at BGW when they had some band camp day. SFA 2 years in a row that they had Christian Day or something like that.

I do always make sure to check out the website to see if they have anything listed about anything like that. SFA actually does list those days on their website. I didn't see it until after I was there.

*** Edited 5/17/2004 3:50:38 AM UTC by Coasterfantom2***

The general May month is the Mich/Ohio/Penn/Indiana Music In The Parks section, which takes place in CP/Six Flags Ohio

They have the dates for most parks on their website (www.musicintheparks.com), and you should check that up if you're going sometime during that day.

(Note: Each day, there's at least 20 schools there, most with Choir, Orchestra, And band.

Oh, and the MITP days always are on Saturdays

Coasterfantom2: If it's a weekday during the school year, rest assured it's a (Bleeeep)a-(bleep)ing Student Day, (Bleep)(Bleep)it!

Blasted parks and their need to turn a profit...


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

The lines did get much shorter the last couple of hours on Saturday. I waited 1 hour for MF, and if it weren't for the seatbelt issues, it would have been much shorter. Raptor was 15 minutes, even waiting for the front seat. Magnum was also 15 minutes all 3 times I rode.

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