CP 5/13

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Went yesterday to CP for the first time in about 6 years. Crowds were light most of the day. Arrived at the park at about 9:30 after buying my ticket at the Sandusky AAA. I lost 100lbs over the winter (SBD and Walking), and wanted to see if I could fit in MF and TTD. Neither one opened with the park so I went to do other things first. MF still had the train sitting on the lift hill.

Blue Streak - No one was going here so I went there first. Seat belt a little hard to buckle due to location. Second train of the day. I didn't run so didn't make first train. Good ride great airtime 8/10

After getting of Blue Streak, I headed for the back of the park. TTD still wasn't even testing but sat in the test seat and fit easily.

Magnum XL 200 - 2 train wait. great ride in front of second car. I think these are the largest and most comfortable train I had ever ridden. Maintained good speed through the turn around and had great airtime on the return trip 10/10.

Gemini - One side running walk on. Good smooth ride good speed. Surprised by small up hill in final helix. 8/10

Cedar Creak Mine Ride - It's a mine ride not my favorite BTMR or least favorite Carolina gold rusher. But a good mine train. 7/10

Mean Streak - Not sure how to describe it. It was not real rough but it felt very slow. We were a 1/2 full train and the two breaks on the first hill ruined any speed the ride had to go through the track. The train barely made it over the first two corners. I did get a couple of pieces of airtime but not much. 4/10

Disaster transport - Now in 3D (whatever that means). I didn't pay the $1 for the 3d glasses but I think they were the 3D glasses where Orange pops out at you. Alot of orange in the queue. Walk on so can't comment too much on the queue but the robot was working in the main room. This was the second bobsled coaster I had ridden. The first was Sarajevo Bobsled about 17 years ago when I was at Six Flags Great adventure. DT is the better of the rides as I remember. 7/10

It was 11:30 by this point so I walked around for a little bit and then went to TGI Fridays at Hotel Breakers for Lunch. I had the Atkins Approved Chicken with Broccoli. Very good a little spicy and a big portion.

Magnum XL200 Take 2 - Row 3 Bumpier than first ride not as good as the morning ride.

Went by MF and they were saying they were hoping to the running later in the afternoon. Asked to check the test seat and fit fine. YEA!

TTD - 1 hour 15 min wait with one break down and one roll back. This was the first test of had I lost enough. Sat in the seat, easy to buckle, pulled tight, ride op didn't give me a second look. Amazing ride. Worth the wait. 10/10

Was about to lap TTD when I noticed MF was running.

MF - 1 hour wait for yellow train next to last seat. They were assigning seat so didn't have much choice. Sat in the seat went to buckle and I couldn't get it. With some help from the ride op I finally got the seat belt buckled. I pulled as hard as I could and got a tiny bit of slack. As luck would have it, the ride op checking restraints was the same one that was out front when I checked the test seat. I think he felt sorry for me and let me go with a little less slack than recommended. Mainly because the lap bar fit just like it should right on the muscular portion of the thighs and pelvis. Great Ride good floater air on the hills. It was more intense than I expected on the final overbanked turn. 10/10

TTD take 2 - Another 1 hour wait. One short breakdown. May have been wind related. Seat belt was a little shorter than the first ride but still no problem. Ride op did do 2 finger check though.

All in all a great day. I don't normally do many looping coasters and didn't ride any of them today. Lines were short most of the morning then picked up in the afternonn.

Glad to hear you made it on TTD and MF. You didn't try Max Air?

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

I'm 6' 4" with most of my height in the upper body. The restraints on Max Air and Delirium dig into my shoulders before I can fasten the belt. I can just barely ride Tomb Raider for the same reason.
Johde said I lost 100 pounds.

Good for you I lost 55 because of wrestling and I know how hard it is, Great Job

Sorry to get off topic.

TTD was built, TTD was broke, TTD is alive.

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