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We then proceeded to walk through the Frontier Trail…or I mean the “Fright Zone.” Didn’t this used to be a tame walkway for children to trick-or-treat down? Well, it has definitely become much scarier, which is great in my book. The lights and fog are strangely unsettling, and the characters leaping out all the time lead to a few surprise adrenaline rushes (now there’s a job I’d like to have…scaring the $#!+ out of people!).
The brand new “Undertaker U” or “U.R. Dade School of Mortuary” was next. We waited about 20 minutes to get in. I actually think that out of CP’s three haunted attractions, this one is the least scary. This comes from the fact that it is not dark enough inside. The props and scenes are pretty cool though. One scene of twisted humor made me laugh out loud. This involved a frustrated undertaker carving up a live body with an electric knife shouting, “Why don’t you die???” Pretty sick, but I loved it (this coming from a guy who also loves Monty Python’s Undertaker Sketch).
Magnum was next, and as I always love a ride on my baby in the dark, I was very excited. I dragged my friend into the ejector seat with me, and we were off. It was very windy, but the trims were still on…but not like the return trip suffered from any lack of airtime. This seat is an airtime monster – there’s no other way to put it! In the end, I was especially satisfied that my friend who just rode MF for the first time agreed with me that Magnum is still the better ride.
Power Tower was next, and we were shot up (I wish there was another way to say that that doesn’t imply illegal drug use). 5 minute wait!!!
We followed this short wait with a 10 minute wait for Raptor. Row 8 had a long line, so I settled for a ride in row 7, far right…sort of like a “mini-death-seat.” Great ride as always.
We followed Raptor with Blue Streak, since there was a walk-on wait. I’ve found that if you get on this thing at night, it really delivers in the airtime department, compared to giving more mediocre rides during the day. Luckily, we got on the last train before the crew took the second train off – otherwise, we would have had to wait an extra few minutes. We also got on a full train (since the crew filled it to compensate for the delay caused by taking a train off). Unfortunately, she was REALLY squealing around the turns tonight – I hope she isn’t turning into a mini-Mean Streak.
Next, it was food time. I had been really good about avoiding a Heart Attack on a Stick…er…I mean Cheese on a Stick all year, but for some reason, it was just calling my name tonight. This is definitely one of the unhealthiest things a human can consume, so that explains why they taste so good! So, I broke down and ran over by DT to get one while my friends all got Hot Potato fries. When I got over there, it seemed that everybody and their brother wanted cheese on a stick. So I caused a little delay among my friends…woops…oh well, I’ve got my clogged arteries as a reward! :)
Pharoah’s Secret haunted house was next, for which we waited about a half-hour. Luckily, as we were going in, some people offered us their 3-D glasses, which saved us from paying a dollar later in the line. Of course, after walking through the house, we gave them to somebody else, too. It’s called beating the system, and I love it! As for the haunted house, the glasses really made it great. I found that I was spending so much time enjoying the 3-D paint effects on the walls, I was REALLY surprised by and very unsuspecting of the scary stuff inside. Great job – this attraction gets better and better each year.
After Pharoah’s Secret, the plan was to hit Toxic Tunnel of Terror and leave, but Raptor was just calling my name for a final ride as we walked by. I wanted to have my last ride of the night (most likely of the year) in the death seat, but once again, we got up on the platform and saw the line for the back was long. Instead, we grabbed Row 4. I haven’t ridden towards the front of the Raptor for a very long time, and I wasn’t expecting much. All I can say is that I think the Halloweekend demons possessed the Raptor for my ride in Row 4. I don’t think this ride has ever moved this fast any time I’ve ridden it! All of my friends noticed how fast the ride seemed, too. What a fitting final CP ride for the season!
Finally, we hit the Toxic Tunnel of Terror, which was probably my favorite haunted attraction. Props to the crews inside who do an excellent job of scaring patrons with amazing energy, even at 12 midnight! The spinning tunnel really messed me up!
Well, by this time, the park was closing, and I left, bidding adieu to CP for the winter. Hopefully, the next time I’m there, there will be a nice new wooden coaster on the North beach for me to try out…or maybe not. I’ll be happy either way, as long as the atmosphere, crews, and companions are as good as they were tonight!
It's a simple equation: CCI + CP = #1 Wooden Coaster!
I suppose I should do a TR, but everything has been covered....more than once!
IRON WOLF sponsored by: TYLENOL
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