Cost of B&M Inverted Coasters

I was checking out B&M coaster stats on on and came across something interesting. Raptor cost 11.5 million dollars in 1994. Talon is costing 13 million dollars opening in 2001. Talon has a shorter length, less inversions, and 1 fewer train. Wouldn't you think the cost would be less? What is the reason for this? Is there new technology incorporated into this ride? Is the price of steel more? The labor? Terrain dealt with? Are B&M just charging more due to the coaster boom? Plain old inflation? Any idea? *** This post was edited by Camel on 10/19/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
The answer to all of your questions can be summed up in one word:


I don't know the inflation rates over the last several years, but I think that Raptor would cost around $14 to 15 million in 2001 dollars.

Webmaster/Admin -
Well, after adjusting for inflation 11.5 million in '94 dollars is equal to about 13.29 million in 2000 dollars. The coasters are not that much different in realprice.
See for an inflation calculator.
I was hoping there was some larger mystery at work here. Oh well. :)
I know one reason why is that they included sand into the supports for less *noise* control. Dont know what the other contributing factors may be.
I heard 17 mil for dorney... what about the other 4?

B & M costs are getting darn near prohibitive, it seems.

SFAs SROS was like 12 mil, and MF was 25... if intamin figutres out how to do awesome loopers with their hyper track, B&M could be really overshadowed.

ive said it once, ill say it again... why wouldnt dorney upstage hershey with THEIR inverted... ah dorney park, worlds of fun, valleyfair, all take a backseat to the farm and CP
Jeff's avatar
I doubt very much that John Q. Dorney Guest is going to care much about what we consider novel. Heck, you put any inverted B&M in my back yard and I'll ride it every day I can.

Webmaster/Admin -
Right with ya Jeff :)

about inflation, remember guys that parks charge more to get in, and for food and all that. And because of inflation, guests have more money to spend at parks. So I would say the ratio of how much money parks have, and how much they can spend on coaster is the same or better each year.

Ok now I've made even myself confused


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