Cost of a Waterpark

Not exactly coaster-related, but close, I suppose...

What is the average cost of a new waterpark to build? I'm not talking about a new theme park waterpark (like Boomerang Bay or Hurricane Harbor), I'm talking about a stand-alone facility. Nothing fancy, no huge wavepool or Typhoon Lagoon-quality theming- just water slides, a lazy river, a few interactive play areas and basic infrastructure.

Do all of the major suppliers to the waterpark industry go to IAAPA? Or is there another convention that focuses on waterparks?

I can't give any details, but I'm sure the reasons for me asking are few.

I know nothing about water parks but I can point you to the site of the World Waterpark Association.

Are you planning something for the Headquarters Plaza Mall? ;)

The WWA has a convention every fall in Sept. or October. However, almost everyone that does waterpark equipment (ALW, WWW, Proslide, NBGS, Aquatic Development, etc.) is at IAAPA.

As for cost, the July 22, 2002 issue of Amusement Business said, "The company has Great Wolf Lodges under construction in Kansas City, Mo., and Traverse City, Mich. Both will be all-suite hotels with 281 rooms, have approximately 40,000 square feet of waterpark, and will cost in the $25 million to $32 million range, with approximately 20% of those costs being waterpark related."


boblogone's avatar
About a hundred dollars.....yeah......
DawgByte II's avatar
That 25 to 32 million figure is not just the waterpark... it's the INDOOR waterpark with the hotel and the restaurants, giftshops, or whatever else it offers.

Referring to a true outdoor non-themed waterpark sayyyyyyy... something like Roseland Waterpark, the cost isn't all that much. With the exception of the land, which can vary from maybe $1.00 to $1,000,000.00, depending on value & location... the actual construction of attractions & such would probably run up a bill upwards from maybe a conservative 10 million to 50 million, depending if you rely on used slides, new slides, new conceptual slides (ie: Tornado), or break up the whole thing with sand vollyball courts, & other inexpensive features.

$10 Million will get you rolling along just fine. $20 million will put you on the map. Land costs are the largets hit, as is the property developement.

AJ is correct.....10-20 million will get you a decent waterpark package. FYI, Huricane Harbor in NJ, built in 2000, was 40 million, it was a top of the line design with a huge theming package. Many community pools are now expanding into small waterparks with lazy rivers and a slide package for under 5 million. In 1991, Splish Splash Waterpark in LI, NY was built for 8 million.
If you have to ask on a message board, then you dont have near enough money. Keep dreaming, thats what I do.
Didnt think folks cared about water parks around here lol lol...................For those who remembered a while back i was doing something w/ a water park design. well im finish and now im looking for a reasonable CAD program to take the design off the paper and get a better view of the project..........

There are no bad coasters, only better coasters!!

I know of a little, when I say little, I mean little, waterpark just outside of Austin, Texas. Volente Beach, it does hav a theme, tropical, bahama, kinda theme. I just saw the place for te first time just last week, it is so small and on such a small piece of land, and the beach! HA! The beach is nothing, and it is trashy, but the rides look great. Here's the site...

aero11 said:
If you have to ask on a message board, then you dont have near enough money. Keep dreaming, thats what I do.

If I had enough cash to build a waterpark, chances are I wouldn't build a waterpark because I wouldn't need the money. There is something called financing.

Yes, right now, I am dreaming... but there is a reason for me asking. $10 million is what I expected for something basic, so I'm assuming that something nice would be around $15 or $20 million. I know that Hurricane Harbor was a lot, but like someone said, that is a heavily-themed waterpark... probably more themed than most.

Yes aero, you can dream all you want. However,

Some people take their dreams, take a gamble, and find a way to turn them into reality.

Others sit around whining, complaining, and wondering why they can't have it handed to them on a silver platter.

I won't say which route some people in this thread are taking, but I think Rob might be taking the first one.



He might be. Or someone closely related to him ;)

Rob Ascough said:
Yes, right now, I am dreaming... but there is a reason for me asking.

Would that reason be you were having another slow day at the office?;)

Indirectly, I guess you could say that. But it has to do with many other things...
Well didnt a Gentleman name Walt had a dream some odd years ago, and also a man name Angus Wynne had a dream. And look what became of their dreams!! Things just dont happen they usually spring from a thought.

There are no bad coasters, only better coasters!!

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