First let me say that we have been waiting for this day for last 9 months and yet our emotions were very mixed that it had finally arrived. In August 1999, Cornball Express was just a concept design pinned to the wall in the IB outer office, along with tons of other designs, concepts, etc of rides varying from A to Z.
The "deal" was officially signed in November and construction begin in late November/early December. We visited the construction site for the first time on December 2nd. The first footer had been poured, some pliings were in place and workers were pounding more in, several rides had been moved slightly, but little else had been done. Our 11th and last "construction" visit was on May 10th, to see Cornball's "first complete circuit" test run. On visits in between we climbed all over rides and trekked into various areas looking for the best photo ops. We sent out photos and updates to friends and got to know the Spackman family as well as IB and CCI employees.
Yesterday, our "baby" was shown off to the nation. Enthusiasts from IN, KY, IL, OH, MO, MI & PA were in attendance and everyone seemed pleased. The ride is awesome, We won't go into details as Mike covered that very well. BUt, we will say our first ride, in the front seat, seemd very zippy and was full of airtime. But still, this uneasy feeling lingered all day long. We now had to share Cornball with others, strangers could walk around it, take photos and even (shudder) ride our "baby!"
Did we enjoy the day? Yes, but much like parents who had watched their child grow up and were now watching as that child graduated from college and went off into the the cold, cruel world.From the opening ceremony, hilariously led by marketing wizard, Bill Robinson, to the 1st rides, incredible lunch and free run of the park until closing at 11 PM and incredible night rides the day was a complete success.
Cornball Express has been billed as a "Family Coaster" and we think Denise Larrick (of CCI) said it best when she said, "Family coaster? Well maybe the Addams Family!"
In closing, let's just say that enthusiasts owe it to themselves to make the trek to Monticello IN and visit Indiana Beach. It is a magical place! Oh, and while you are there stop by and check in on our "baby!"
mr & mrs acer
Carol & Scott
dude! I'm there! how is HH running?