
There is only one part of the game that is giving me a hard time right now.  I am trying to recreate the Corkscrew at CP and I can't figure out how to keep them on the same sidfe of the track like at the real CP.  Ya know what I mean? Please help, the prefab corkscrews don't work.
What do you mean by "on the same side of the track"?
Ok.  What I meant was keeping it kind of in a line.  You know how the Corkscrew's corkscrews head right up to the station right?  Well, when I tried to do that with the prefab corkscrews, they travelled to the right side like rct corkscrews do.  I tried messing with the vertexs but it didn't work.  Get it now??
isnt there a "mirror" option? that would reverse it.
Soggy's avatar
You need to have the "enterance" to the corkscrew element at a 45 degree angle if you want the exit to be straight up when compared to the enterance.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

I have serious problems with the prefab corkscrew. What corkscrew does that? Pretty much all that I have seen keep the train generally oriented forwards, while some half-corkscrews (like on cobra rolls) turn you 90 degrees to a side (like in rct). How many full corkscrews turn you 90 degrees to the side? And how many turn past 90 degrees, like the prefab one? Most keep you at about 45 degrees, and only for cobra rolls and batwings do you change orientation so much, and for newer cobra rolls(B&M) the angle is less as the middle piece becomes more of a dip.

Okay, if I am totally wrong here, someone show me a picture of a corkscrew with the train oriented 90 degrees from the entrance angle while upside down.


"Eject Goose, Eject!"

All of them, except inverted corkscrews do.  You just usually view corkscrews from the side, so it appears to be a 45 degree angle.  If you looked at it from the top, you'd see it goes about 90 degrees.  odd, but true.  Most people think of corkscrews as traveling forward, without regard to the fact that it enters that forward motion at a 45 degree angle.  Go to and download my recreation of SFDL's Viper (it's about halfway down the page), and you'll see corkscrews in a line, built with the prefab corkscrews, just modified a bit, so the second one is a bit lower than the first, but that's all. 
Webmaster: Gravibulb Coasters - Home of Professional Quality Coaster Photos
If you look really closely at Corkscrew's corkscrews, from this TerraServer image, you can see they enter 45 degrees from the direction of travel, turn 90, then continue, with the overall direction being towards the station.  Unfortunately, you can't zoom further.

Webmaster: Gravibulb Coasters - Home of Professional Quality Coaster Photos

Well, if you state that they enter from a 45 degree angle, and leave at the 45 degree angle, relatively, the top point would only be 45 degrees from the angle of the entrance. I know what your saying, most (Arrow) corkscrews have a sudden transition before the element, which is real obvious on the old KBF Corkscrew, as the double corkscrew traveled diagnonally across the middle of the whole layout.

Still, many corkscrews simply do not turn(pivot) you that much. The Vekoma Corkscrew that comes with no limits (Super Wirbel) is a good example. Many of the other ones included with the game are closer to 90 degrees... But past 90 degrees? It seems like a little too much.



Off topic, but...what the hell are these???

Those big swirly things next to Magnum??

That's the camper village


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