Consultant says safety improved at Playland

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Playland received high marks for safety from an independent consultant who reported yesterday that, despite a string of fatal accidents, conditions at the county-owned amusement park have improved dramatically in recent years. The glowing report from safety consultant Jerry Aldrich found a "noticeable adjustment" in the approach of both management and staff toward safety since an audit three years ago and recommended only a handful of relatively minor changes to improve rider safety further.

Read more from The Journal News.

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rollergator's avatar
I really believe that parks are safe places. Permanent parks especially have an outstanding safety record. That being said, Playland has GOT to rank near the bottom when it comes to the number of *serious incidents*. I'm not so sure that I'm buy everything that comes from this report. It should be interesting to compare/contrast this with the second report due out soon.

"Noticeably safer in recent years" just struck me wrong....recent MONTHS maybe...

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