Conneaut Lake Park 2/15

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Yes the park was closed. I arrived after lunch, and did a complete walk through, starting at the old Lakeside Hotel, which was employee housing until the lat 90's. Now it is closed up. Headed to the Marina under the Lakeside Pavillion. Again, lots of clean-up needed.

Walked along the Boardwalk to the Hotel Conneaut. Still some Christmas Decorations up. The Dining Room lokks ot be in good shape. Walked around the old Firelands Museum and Ice Cream Palor.

Took an entire walk around the Blue Streak. The track is in great shape. Yes, it needs a paint job, but considering the budget tightening, the ride could be much worse off. The original train was on the transfer track, also in great condition.

Walked out under the train station, and headed up the midway to the front gate. The waterslides were recently painted. I spoke with some maintenence personel, who were just returning to work to bring the park alive again.

The lake was partially froze, with the geese playing ont he beach. I have been there when you could only hear the sound of falling snow. I was only there about 2 hours, but with a super paint job, some new light fixtures, and a huge clean up, that park will look great again.

Agent: Did the maintenance people you spoke with say anything about the BUG being up this year?
Nice TR, btw.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


There major concern was the leak in the water tower. I will research the Bug and get back to you.
john peck's avatar
I wonder if the park will be hosting a few "clean-up weekends" for voulenteers this year
I haven't heard or read anything yet john. I check the Conneaut lake park fans site on a regular basis and i usually get an email about clean-ups.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Their official website should be relaunched in a few weeks. My friend's redesigning it for free and it looks awesome so far.

Did the Musik Express and Toboggan open up last year or not? *** Edited 2/28/2005 7:15:47 PM UTC by carrouseler***

From what I heard, they didn't open those.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


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