Conneaut Lake Blue Streak Trains???

Visited Conneaut Lake on 8-24. I was quite impressed with the ride Blue Streak gave that day with the original red/yellow PTC train. However, I noticed what appeared to be the rear of another later model PTC train (3 round bumpers) visible in the storage tunnel. This train was similar in color to those on the Blue Streak at Cedar Point and had the Conneaut Lake logo printed on the rear of the train. What is the story with this second newer PTC train? Furthermore, the NAD train was not in sight.
That was the back of the NAD train you saw.

Wood - anything else is an imitation

Rctycoon2k's avatar
no its not the NAD train he saw, its the test / 3rd string backup train they have had on site for quite a while. It used to be run for tests at the beginning of the seasons... they have 2 original vettle trains, the one you saw was the same as the one running... just old and not restored, heres a pic that you can see the front of it on the transfer tracks (moved out from the storage room)*3ZqO!8nM*Re15HVawQDbQRSpy46BwFhJ*7nRq*svPW1og4dgncCcvkYaycGPGvVjL8/apr01%5E22.jpg?dc=4675289240014773744

(as you can see by the other pics in that gallery, its at the beginning of the season, which they are using that train for testing...)

Shaun Rajewski
*** This post was edited by Rctycoon2k 8/27/2003 9:44:28 PM ***

I think you're mistaken Shaun. That old train you are refering to is the original Vettle train that is currently running. I have ridden in it on pre-season break-in days when there would be a large drum of oil wrapped in plastic in the front seat. That train was repainted from its original blue/black, to red/yellow when the park decided to use it again on the coaster. Don Schanze has stated that the NAD's were harder on the rides' structure and track. Since the park has suffered from low cash flow, it made sense to run the original train to minimize maintenance requirements of the coaster.

Unless that original train is from PTC(manufactured for Vettle), there is no other PTC's there. The park does own two, 4-car, NAD trains(one w/ Century Flyer front). They were both rehabed in the mid/late 1990's when the park reopened after closing earlier in that decade. When I was at the park a few weeks ago, the back of the NAD was visible in the maintenance tunnel where JReece saw it. That train has been stored there all season. It was there last year at the end of the season too.

There could be a second Vettle train there but I've never seen it. You are correct though about the park having three trains. There are two sets of NAD's, and one Vettle(original) train.

Wood - anything else is an imitation
*** This post was edited by Thrillerman 8/27/2003 10:23:01 PM ***

Rctycoon2k's avatar
the newer train is a replica train of the Vettle which was manufactured by PTC, and the NADs are off in rehab right now, not really knowing if they will be used again. There are two almost identical trains, one Vettle, and one Vettle styled PTC which is in the storage hall...

Shaun Rajewski

I may be wrong but I swear I have heard from multiple sources that the yellow and red train is the original that opened with the coaster I would think a replica would be in much better shape, and that is the NAD in the tunnel. From most people that I have talked to the reason for the switch is that the NAD trains are something like 100lbs heavier per car so that'd be about 400lbs heavier total, along with the extra rate it was said the NAD's ripped the track up more and required more maint. Is this true I don't know but it is the most popular ideas I have heard. I try to find someone to ask everytime I go to the park and I'll be there sometime this weekend and I'll see if I can find out for sure, but at CLP it seems as though history is fairly shady.
*** This post was edited by Snap43 8/28/2003 12:03:34 AM ***
All I know is that this was taken last November just after the current "PTC" train was brought back into service. It was sitting alone by the large green building next to the Yo Yo. So if the PTC has always had the same # of cars, then this must be from the original as indicated byt Rctycoon2k.

"You don't know how you've betrayed me and somehow you've got everybody fooled. Without the mask where will you hide.......can't find yourself lost in your lie" - Evanescence, Everybody's Fool

Don Schanz is spelled without the e. The original trains are from 1937, and are easier to maintain with less moving parts, ie the lack of moving restraints. They bear no difference on the structure or track on the Blue Streak.

The NAD trains came 'aboard' about 1964 or so, and are still there because NAD was not to swift on 'standardizing' much of anything. Those trains would not work on the Thunderbolt at Kennywood, just and those trains would not work on the Blue Streak.

They have no real value except for cosmetic parts on the few remaining NAD trains in operation. The only real way Conneaut Lake would benefit from the NAD's again is when Kennywood replaces the trains on the Thunderbolt and goes to flush loading, and the give their old trains to CLP, and they are stripped down for parts.

"The Empire will Strike Back"

kpjb's avatar

...when Kennywood replaces the trains on the Thunderbolt and goes to flush loading...

Whaaaat? Not on my watch! ;)

Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel!

I dunno all I know is according to the book CLP the 1st 100 years the NAD's were brought into service in 1966, and according to a park employee that was in line behind me back in june he said that the NAD's caused more maint on the track, and since money it s prob with CLP they took a look at the originals last year and decided it would be better to bring it back into service and use a NAD for a back up. But what I do know is everytime I ask a question reguarding th Blue Streak I get 10 different answers. The only thing about the Blue Streak I know for sure is that to me its the most underated woodie out there, esp with the current train running.
After further searching the web for pictures of Blue Streak's NAD train, it does appear that what I saw was the rear of the NAD train. I was thrown off by the similarity in the rear design to PTC equipment. Sorry for adding to any confusion.
sorry Keith, its a coming soon.....

"Step on that lapbar and make it nice and tight!"

It isn't the best, but here is the picture of the back of the NAD train I took this past June:

And I too hope KW never replaces those trains on the T-Bolt.

Ask yourself; When was the last time YOU visited Conneaut Lake Park?

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