Coney Island Show On Tonight

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, I always think it's a little silly when people mention every little TV show around here, but this one would be easily overlooked and is showing some pretty interesting info.

If you get the Discovery Times channel it's on right now (8pm EST) and will be replayed at 11pm and 4am.

It's just called "Coney Island" and simply details the history of the area from Native American habitation to present. Since so much of Coney's history is amusement park related they've been showing some great pics and footage and passing along some interesting info - especially for fans of historical parks.

*** Edited 4/8/2004 12:32:22 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Thanks Gonch!
It has actually been awhile since I have watched any of my older coaster videos, and it sounds like this will have the same B&W old Coney footage. It's fun to re-watch that stuff every couple of years. I think my fav. "crazy idea" ride from that place/era was the floor with moving belts (or whatever they were) that people just laid down on. I think it was the human pool table; that thing was hysterical. Anyway, thanks again for the heads up, my DVR is set.

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is." --Texas Governor George W. Bush, April 9, 1999, on the US intervention in Kosovo
I've seen this show and it really is quite spiffy. If you can catch the replay late tonight (or set your TiVo for it) be sure to.

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