Coney Island (Ohio) will make Father's Day all about BBQ and bacon

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Coney Island, situated just outside of Cincinnati, will host Bacon Fest at Coney on Father’s Day. The small park will host 15 Cincinnati-area restaurants and food outlets with creations ranging from bacon funnel cakes to bacon cheesecake to bacon-wrapped chicken drumsticks with BBQ sauce to bacon caramel corn to chocolate covered bacon.

Read more from The Akron Beacon Journal.

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Raven-Phile's avatar

I'm THERE! To hell with gay day at Cedar Point!

rollergator's avatar

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

rollergator, do not believe those tv commercials, Beggin Strips do not taste like real bacon. :-P

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