Coney Island Frozen Custard in Gurnee, IL 7-13-01

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beast7369's avatar
Ok ok....I know you are all wondering why I am writing a trip report for an ice cream shop. Well this is no ordinary ice cream shop.

All I went there for was some ice cream. I walk in the door and low and behold what lies just above arms reach and on the right hand wall as I walk in the door. A model roller coaseter. It was mounted to a plexi-glass like shelf. It was a working model. I know that I have seen this model online in some pictures somewhere before. I am having a hard time finding the site now. I just wanted to share in the exciting find. I think the model said if I remember correctly.

For those who go to Six Flags Great America, I recommend stopping by this little ice cream shop as it is just down the street from it. It is on Grand Ave. Go west about 1 mile (rough estimate). It will be on the left hand side of the road. Looks for Starbucks. It is right next to Starbucks. It is about 7 lights down from Six Flags Great America. OH and the frozen custard (not really ice cream but to me tastes better) is really good.

Welcome to Deja Vu...home of the world wide wait. *** This post was edited by beast7369 on 7/16/2001. ***
Here is the link to the coaster you saw there. It was built by Chris Brewer.

He's built some really cool coasters and he even has video on his site of a couple of them running. *** This post was edited by S&SFAN on 7/13/2001. ***

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