The pictures are now working! That's right. I am building a program which will let you explore your own parks and ride your own rides at your own will.
Some of you noticed the original screenshot I posted a while back. Since then, I've made an amazing amount of progress, and the game is really starting to take shape.
For historical purposes, here is the original screenshot
That was taken from the first milestone, which had a blocky terrain, and no texturing whatsoever. Since then, I've added RCT-like terrain, textures, and water. All of the screenshots below are from the latest build. I used Joe Holland's old IOA recreation for this round of pictures, so most of you will be able to identify these screenshots. Unfortunately, it's not perfect, but this is easily the best IOA recreation I've ever seen. - Looking down the Port of Entry from the lagoon inside the park. You can see the lighthouse in the far background. - The station and launch tube of the Hulk, with the lagoon below. You can also see the Port of Entry in the background. It's not difficult to imagine green steel twister track going around the station, is it? - Looking down the street towards the entrance to Dr. Doom's FearFall - The view from the top of the towers (the height is estimated) - Looking at Popeye and Bluto's Bilgerat Barges from the top of Me Ship, The Olive. You can clearly see the path that the ride will take through the canyon and into the tunnel. You can also see the queue buildings (middle), the infamous boatwash (background middle), and Dudley Doright's Ripsaw Falls (background left) - The main mountain for Dudley Doright's Ripsaw Falls. You can see the explosive house that the logs travel under on the big drop, as well as the location of the bunny hop and splashdown areas. - The splashdown area for the Jurassic Park River Adventure - The view from the beginning of the Jurassic Park River Adventure. You can clearly see the tunnel/cave you pass through, and the huge show building in the background - The Jurassic Park Discovery Center as seen from the lagoon - The castle and queue of Dueling Dragons, as seen from the queue's entrance - Looking at Mythos from the restaurant's entrance - Mythos as seen from Sneetch Beach in Seuss Landing
*** This post was edited by DarkHelmet on 9/9/2001. ***
*** This post was edited by DarkHelmet on 9/9/2001. ***