Columbus Zoo Posts Zoombezi Bay Info

And I was pretty certain the contest was bogus anyway. Out of the selections one theme was zoo-ish, one tropical, one Aussie, and the fourth I can't even remember, but don't you think since they had the park already drawn up that they had already decided how things were gonna look? Or were they gonna let the public decide, then go to work on themeing? Something tells me no.
eightdotthree's avatar
Yeah, the Wildwater Kingdom thing was a joke. I like the name and I am just a bit more interested to go and see the zoo since I hear its pretty nice anyway.

About time, they included more info. The name fits in Columbus, IMO. A lot of names around here have crazy names that kids think is fun to say. Even though there probably aren't, or maybe there are, a lot of those who live in the Columbus are as excited about this as I am. even though it'll take a while, it'll still be sweet.

And if you don't know, buy what this zoo is doing, this zoo is MASSIVE. From what a presenter told some students on campus during one of the animal fairs, the Columbus zoo has enough reserved space that they could easily be teh largest zoo in America.

Kudos for Columbus Zoo.

-Why is Wicked Twister closed?
~Biting Flies.
-Biting Flies...

Yeah, driving around the zoo... it's huge. And by rerouting Powell Road, which just took effect last week, it's got even more space to grow.

I live about a half-hour from the zoo and am really excited to see what they're doing over there... the zoo itself already feels like an amusement park (this year they added the peeps who take your photos on the way in, as an example,) and while I have mixed feelings on this, IMO it shows that they're doing their research.

One major 'plus' point: the zoo themes VERY well. Not necessarily the entire zoo is themed, but all of their recent additions (Australia, Asia Quest) have been excellently themed. I can think of a few area amusement parks who could learn a thing (or ten ;) ) from them. So I expect the theming in the waterpark to be pretty awesome. (IMO... it approaches the caliber that I've only seen in Orlando-area parks. But, my theme park experience is somewhat limited compared to others on here, so that may not be an accurate comparison.)

It's dry park info I'm waiting on, too. I know there's an illustration at the zoo that shows a pirate ship, but beyond that, and the rumored wild mouse... no clue.

I drive by the zoo a couple of times a week, and keep thinking I should take pics of the construction progress (at present: waterslide pieces laid EVERYWHERE) but didn't figure there was an interest. Maybe I'll try to put up a little page.


ETA: Totally forgot to say THANK YOU for the link... I've been anxiously awaiting info on this park and was glad to see the link posted here, as I'm an avid reader! :) *** Edited 8/13/2007 10:50:25 PM UTC by CarrieR***

I hope the coaster is still running next year if I happen to visit my sister in Columbus.
I'm sure it will be. They've decimated close to the entire park, and it's still there, looking completely pristine. Every time I go by I whine that I want to go get on it, LOL. I was terrified that they were going to wipe it out, but since it's still standing now it'll stay.

Dry Park
Along with Zoombezi Bay, a new dry park will be added to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as part of the existing Zoo and will have a zoo/botanical theme. There will be a new picnic/group event area as well as new food, beverage, and retail facilities. Additional attractions include an outdoor theater, wooden coaster, tilt-a-whirl, scrambler, dodgem cars, log flume ride, antique cars, family swinger, Galleaon 42, flying scooters, Musik Express, Kiddie Frog Hopper, Mini Tea Cups, Rio Grand Train and Mini Jet. All will be names and themed appropriately. There will be an additional cost for the rides and will be part of the Zoo.

Flying Scooters, eh? 'Wooden Coaster' probably means Sea Dragon. Too bad they aren't getting another....I thought they were getting like a spinning mouse or something, must not have worked out? Maybe in the future...


millrace said:
I can't wait to hear what they're going to call the Sea Dragon.

ZeaDragon would be my guess.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


This is by far not going to happen, but I somehow just realized the amazingness if the Zoo built an extraordinary wood coaster. You know, one that people would flock to just to ride. But that dream was shot down because 1. It's a zoo. 2. It's Columbus, they only want to feed us.

But i'm still excited, I might head to the zoo soon, haven't been at all this year.

-Why is Wicked Twister closed?
~Biting Flies.
-Biting Flies...

How about the "Jet Flyer"?

Anyway, I actually flew over the Zoo yesterday morning (at an altitude of about 5k feet, on approach to Port Columbus) and noticed that the old wave pool and the coaster are both still very much intact, and the rest of the area, from the air at least, kind of looks like it's been bombed.

Flying Scooters? Here's hoping they get the Premier version (Idlewild) instead of the Larson version! Here's also hoping that they come up with some kind of POP plan for the dry rides!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Thank you, pkidelerium! I looked for that info a couple of weeks ago, left and right, and couldn't find it! Either I missed it then or it's new, either way, I'm much appreciative!

I'm hoping for a POP plan, too. Was actually just saying that to my roommate this evening, as I was telling her about the dry rides.

That's not the old wave pool, RideMan... they totally ripped the wave pool apart some time ago. What you're seeing was formerly "Christopher's Island," or the children's/treehouse/pirate ship area... pretty big and pretty nice.

I took a few pictures today, with my cameraphone... sorry they're crappy but thought they might be of interest for someone. (The first two are essentially useless but the other four might be worth something.) I'll try to get some better pics next week when I go. Put them on photobucket: They have those slide pieces laid out right alongside the entrance/exit road... hope nobody turns the wheel too hard to the right or they'll be calling ProSlide up right quick! LOL.

Oh... and a 'world-class' roller coaster would be awesome! Something that doesn't necessitate driving two hours+ in any given direction, LOL.

I think I need to find some non-zoo topics to post on, LOL...

They ripped apart Christopher's Island?!

That's a little surprising, I figured they'd at least keep that.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Are the new Premier flyers better than Larson's? I haven't heard any reviews on the new Idlewild flyers yet.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

No -- they ripped apart the wave pool. Christopher's Island, the Sea Dragon, and (reportedly -- this one I haven't seen) the lazy river were the only things left intact. Sorry if my above post was unclear.
I thought the lazy river was gone, too. I need to get up there for a closer look.

I'm wondering if they managed to save the old arcade building. I know the games building is still there and the old bathhouse (I think both will be reused in the new park based on the renderings). But the arcade building was the only structure with any real architectural interest.

I would love the coaster name to go back to Jet Flyer. Won't happen, though. It doesn't contain any animal reference or a cheesy pun-like made-up semi-African-sounding word.

*** Edited 8/15/2007 11:55:17 AM UTC by millrace***

Indeed, Columbus residents are as excited about the renovation as I am.

Opening Day, I'll be in line. And I don't have to travel an hour or two.

-Why is Wicked Twister closed?
~Biting Flies.
-Biting Flies...

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