Hi to you all!
I'm Rolf, I'm living 20 km south of "Heide-Park", and my son (Stefan,8), and I had been watching all the construction of the gigantic woody, "Colossos", from the first concrete fundaments on.
When I watched the first tests with dummys, my blood ran cold. I am a glider pilot and flight instructor, but I was scared. The feeling when riding on top of the mountain after the first drop must be the same like having a cable break in a sailplane while being launched by a winch. Incredible! Stefan wanted to ride the coaster at once, but he was not tall enough (1,40 m min.).
So I will have a stay till next year.
If you want to see construction pictures from the first days on (approx. 150), go to
http://www.cordes.row.de/3/6/INDEX.HTM and click on "Heide-Park baut weltgr...".
You also can order a VHS PAL movie cassette of the construction there.
Regarding questions on this page, I can tell you that much: The train is running on plastic coated metal wheels. The tracks are made of laminated wood- but these tracks were produced before inserting them as app. 15- m - long parts into the wooden construction. The metal things that you see, are the connectors between the segments. I can send you detailed photographs, if you like.
My son and I visit this park about 20 x a year (we have season cards, app. 45 ยง ea.)
Best greetings from Germany