Coasters at Sports Arenas or Stadiums

I for one would think it would be cool if they put coasters inside or next to sports stadiums!
Imagine you could ride a coaster then go see your favorite team play!
"FEAR the Four!"

Well, Comerica park in Detroit has a Carousel and Ferris Wheel. It's a start! There is a new stadium going up right next to it, I could just imagine, a Tigers/Lion coasater going through both stadiums.... Uh, I'm drooling
Yeah I knew about the carousel and ferris wheel, that's where I got the idea.
"FEAR the Four!"
The Skyliner at Lakemont Park in Altoona is in the outfield of a stadium. I watched a game their earlier this month. It's pretty cool when its quiet for the pitch then all of a sudden you hear the screams of the people on the coaster. If you want to see a picture of it drop me an email and I'll send one.:)

The Oakland A's new stadium [ if the move to San Jose] will be right next to PGA


No way the Oakland A's are moving to San Jose. They are starting to draw more now that they are winning, and it'll only get better. As for coasters in stadiums, I don't think it'll happen, because the noise the coaster makes along with the screams of the patrons would interrupt the game and the players wouldn't like it. I don't think that we'll see coasters in stadiums in the near future. Unless they build them outside and there is enough noise control around them to muffle the sound. Just my opinion, take it as you will. Peace. :)
There is this place I have envisioned where the Browns could put a lone turbo/space shot in the new stadium.
"I feel like I'm stuck in Stand By Me." - The Ataris
You don't have to run them during a game. It is that simple.
"FEAR the Four!"
ShiveringTim's avatar
Well, there are three examples of major parks being built in sports complexes. 1) The Astrodome is right across the way from Astroworld. I beleive they share the same parking lot. 2) HersheyPark has a hockey arena and soccer/football stadium right next to it. 3) SFoT is located very close if not adjacent to the old Rangers stadium (could be wrong here).

Scott W. Short
Elitch Gardens is in between the Pepsi Center and Mile High
Hersheypark arena is where Wilt Chamberlein set the all-time record for points in one game in the NBA. Just a bit of trivia for you all.
I don't know about those, but I can tell you that Tiger fans think Commercia Park is a joke and a half. "Not only did they add a Carnival in the stadium, they also have a fountain on the field. Although amusement parks are fun they should not be part of a ball game."

Note that I haven't even been to Comerica. These are not necessarily my views. Many Baseball fans would rather not have a roller coaster in the stadium. Just as we would not like a baseball stadium in an Amusement park.

"...If We don't get you there in five minutes we don't get you there at all. ~Dispatch Master Tran
Yeah SFEG is right next to the Pepsi Center. People even use the SFEG parking lot for the Pepsi Center. Mile High Stadium is just across the highway but will be gone next year. A new stadium will replace it. Talk about cramming everything in!
Parks for 2000: SFEG,IOA,MGM,WDW,PGA,SFMW,SCBB,Lakeside.
Magnum is sinking, don't take this personally.

Having been to Comerica Park twice this summer, I believe that it is more in a sense "worshiped" than put down for its $750,000 + fountain just behind left feild and it's little themed rides. Most of the things I heard out of the patrons were either
"That's neat, rides!" or "Wow! Look at the fountain!"

The stadium has a very open feel, because it is built on ground level, and the feild is dug down into the ground. You can see feris wheel (with baseball shaped cars, very clever) and the carosel due to the low structure of the stadium every time you walk to and from your seat, and with my experience, each time I took a gander at them, there were lines like you wouldn't believe for carosel and ferris wheel. I believe they've made a very good choice by puttting those there. The indvidual cost per ride is making them a bundle, so let people make carnival jokes, but in my opinion, the park made a wise choice.

The Detroit Lions are building a stadium a skip step and a hop away from the new Comerica park, and the idea that Craig the coaster freak mentioned would be awsome (I'm drooling at the thought). A Dueling Dragons type setup named Lion and Tiger, now that would great.

Ride 'Till you drop *** This post was edited by Intamin2K on 9/1/2000. ***
I was just standing at Three Tivers last fall. Thinking: "Man this would be a great place to home a B+M inverted coster running through the stadium and the field." Well I guess it has to go so we all can park.
Yea but the Steelers don't need to be distracted by that. They are a bad enough team already, a rollercoaster would just mess them up more... hehehe just jokin. Sorry if that drags away from the subject.

Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood

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