Coasters + Glasses = ?

I do not have terrible vision, but I do have glasses for reading road signs at night. I do not have contacts. I never wear my glasses on coasters, but I imagine the ride might be more enjoyable if I could actually see what was going on around me. Will they fall off?
I'd like to know too, because my vision is terrible without my glasses.

Dorney Park is da bomb!
Get a glass strap.

I Kicked The Sky
I've never had a problem wearing my glasses on coasters. Usually, I put a strap on, and I tighten it when I get up to the station. With that on, there's absolutely no way they'll fall off. I did, however, ride Millennium Force twice with my glasses on, and no strap, and they stayed on. My second ride (in the front car), I had to reach up to push them on further (just precautionary), but they never flew up and away. Just buy an adjustable glasses strap that can be tightened, and away you go! (I'm much more worried about losing my contacts on a ride...the wind can just whip them out.)

I have never even felt the slighest bit that a pair of glasses would come off on any coaster, They did make me take them off on X-flight yesterday, and I do keep a spare pair in the car just in case.

"If you look out the left side of the Train you will see the coasters of Cedar Point."

'01 Trips thru the spin cycle-SOB 06
You should be fine w/ your glasses on coasters unless they are loose. I have wore my glasses once at a park and I didn't have a problem. If you are the least bit paranoid, get a strap.

100% born-and-raised-Yankee-Hater
i went on Nitro with my glasses......

Nitro!!! #1
I've ridden 114 coasters with my glasses on and never had a problem. I do keep the fit tight.
I have contacts, and body they sure stayed in when I had a FRONT SEAT RIDE ON MILLENNIUM FORCE AT NIGHT. "They" stuck to my eyes good!

"Riding High"

The Devils are going to get buried, by an AVALANCHE! Lets get it for Bourque!

I wear my glasses on coasters, no strap unless the park REQUIRES it. This includes strapless (ooh, sounds kinky) rides on Millennium Force, Phantom's Revenge, Flight of Fear, HyperSonic, S:UE, and so on.

As long as your glasses fit properly, the safest place for them is right on your face -- you know where they are, and they won't slip out of a pocket mid-ride...

Don't wear the strap.

I had been wearing mine at PKI all day until I got off SOB and realized I hadn't put the strap on. If SOB's g-forces aren't gonna knock them off, nothing will.

Except something that is 300 ft high going 92 mph perhaps, but we'll never see something that awesome.;)

What the mo K!?!
I won't ride without my glasses. Furthermore, for safety reasons, if I didn't need to wear glasses, I'd invest in some form of protective eyewear...sunglasses, goggles, whatever...for roller coasting. I've scraped enough debris off my glasses over the years to be convinced of that requirement.
I used to always use a neck cord until a ride on a Rock-O-Plane where the cord went over my head and caught under my chin, pulling the glasses loose. Since then, I don't bother with the strap unless the park requires one.

Which reminds me...I'm overdue for an eye exam...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I'm 13 so i could care less about my glasses but when i do ride coasters i usually wear cargo shorts so i can stick my glasses in there.

AKA V2 at CCN! AKA SFMWManiac at SFMWOnline!
My sister kept her glasses on on Goliath and theu were fine.

Enjoy Your Ride On Goliath

I have to agree with Rideman - I think it's not only safer, but a better ride experience with glasses. My wife lost a contact on MF at Coastermania from the wind causing her eyes to water (this was the second time she's lost one on a coaster). After a trip back to the Breakers to get her glasses, she is now a convert. And the only ride I have ever ridden that even threatened knocking my glasses off was Mean Streak when it was at it's meanest, 1994.
Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning.
I lost my glasses on PCW's boomerang. I wear a strap now. Coasters with headbanging usually spell trouble for me and my glasses.

PCW needs something taller than a boomerang
I have no problem wearing glasses on coasters . Ive even had the on on some pretty wild spin~spew rides too , with no problem. The only time i had to take the off was for power tower
I wear a strap that I keep not so tight, just a little tight. Too tight makes 'em feel like they're going to pop apart or something. The glasses I usually wear fit loose, so the strap is kept to where I can't take off my glasses without loosening it. If they were going to fly off, I would have noticed, since there is room for them to move around on my face, and they haven't done this on any ride including MF. My old glasses almost flew off me once early last season in Myrtle Beach, but you should excpect that if you do not take care of your specs and keep the fit up to date.

I would ride with sunglasses or something if I didn't have to wear 'scripts (I am blind, I would not be able to ride without my glasses:(), I've scraped crazy things off my glasses, too, and heard pings and such. I still get stuff in on occassion.
I use a glasses strap on coasters and it has worked really well. Make sure to get one you can tighten before the ride.
Well, I was riding Medusa with a friend. I had my glasses attached with Croakies (a glasses strap), he didn't. I didn't lose my glasses, he did. Luckily his were not prescription sunglasses and he just bought an overpriced replacement pair at the park. I leave the strap loose until I'm about ready to board the train, then I tighten it (not too tight). Chiller could be a problem, and definitely Medusa. I suppose there are people out there who have ridden these coasters and nothing happened to their glasses, but it may also depend on how big the frames are (they'd catch more air), and how tightly they fit you. Better safe than sorry. Walmart (and a lot of other stores) sell them (with their sunglasses) and they're very inexpensive. Have fun.

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