CoasterMania! 2010

Jeff said: Will get something formal

There's nothing like riding The Voyage in a formal.

Heels, too? :)


Paula Werne
Holiday World

OnPointTony's avatar

I don't recommend that Jeff wear heels on The Voyage. Or at any time for that matter.

The formal, on the other hand? Great photo op at 90 degrees!

Tony Clark | Director of Communications | Cedar Point | Sandusky, OH

Jeff's avatar

I hate you both.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

^They kid because they love!!

I love it when the park reps gang up on Jeff. ;)

My author website:

Trust me -- Jeff gives as good as he gets! :)

He's sort of like Santa that way ... only not.


Paula Werne
Holiday World

Fun's avatar

Call me old fashioned, but I miss the days of the internet when we were still speculating as to whether park management was actually reading what we wrote.

Last edited by Fun,
Jeff's avatar

I can think of one chief executive that doesn't even have a comprooder. :)

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jason Hammond's avatar


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