CoasterCon days 3 and 4

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CoasterCon has been lots of fun so far. I doubt you want to read my entire trip report (and I don't feel like typing it up), so I will simply touch on the fun and important stuff (only CoasterCon stuff, such as ERTs).
-I did not go to the morning ERT
-park was definitely crowded and VERY hot
-X tested 10 times
-evening ERT on Riddler's Revenge, Goliath, Colossus - I got another 10+ rides on RRv in 1 hour with the mid course brakes OFF (and in the back row every time) but most importantly, the lights in the station were all off except for the question marks amd then I headed over to Goliath for 4 rides, which was lots of fun since the mid course brakes were not on hard
-morning ERT on Goliath, Goliath Jr., Swashbuckler, Bucaneer, Sierra Falls - I rode Swashbuckler three times and played pass the show twice, I rode Bucaneer once, I rode Sierra Falls three times and got soaked, and I rode Goliath about 6 times all in the back (awesome as usual), people sure got pissed off when they found out that ERT on Goliath Jr. was only for ACErs under 54"

Six Flags Magic Mountain Xtreme Guide

That is CHEAP, MM won't even give ACE a ride on a coaster they can't ride during normal park hours.

That is SFMM for ya though.

Nessy: Ride of Steel
Webmaster of Digital Coaster -

Soggy's avatar
The 54" height limit is there for a reason. Besides are ACEers REALLY that wound up to ride Goliath Jr?!?

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Soggy said:
"The 54" height limit is there for a reason. Besides are ACEers REALLY that wound up to ride Goliath Jr?!?

We were not supposed to get ERT on Goliath Jr., but since Log Jammer was having technical difficulties, they opened Goliath Jr. and Sierra Falls. Let me just say, there was a big uproar and many problems when ACErs found out that they could not ride Goliath Jr.!

Six Flags Magic Mountain Xtreme Guide

CPLady's avatar
The reason they want to ride a Jr. coaster is for their coaster count. Many parks will let ACE'rs ride the Jr. coasters, with only one adult per car, or every other car in some cases.

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