Coasterbuzz T-shirts for sale?

This is mainly to the creator of this board.

I have been on this site since around 99, and it pretty much became a staple in my daily routine.

I remember Coasterbuzz T-shirts being sold on the site a while back, and I wonder if you will ever be selling more in the future?

stoogemanmoe's avatar

Ever heard of the search feature?

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 1/7/2003. ***


Enlighten me, oh snotty one.

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Um.. I'm not being snotty. There are alot of people that come here and ask stupid questions that could be answered by simply using the search feature. Also who the hell do you think you are by calling me snotty? Maybe you should grow up? I was being cool to you. Now I won't be cool.

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 1/7/2003. ***

O.K. Go to your corners. :)

Jeff has mentioned that he might create some more t-shirts down the road but nothing is definite.


""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Jeff's avatar

If you ask me it was snotty. Only I get to be sarcastic.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -

Closed topic.

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