CoasterBuzz Club has been $20 USD since it started in 2001. Withinflation being what it is, and a rise in expenses, we asked currentmembers what they thought a fair price would be. Most supported a riseto $25, which is a few dimes over the rate of inflation from the lasteight years. You can still join at the $20 rate if you do so beforethis Sunday. After that, the price will be $25. Your membership helpskeep the lights on, and helps produce new features like the Day inPictures forum. Join today securely and instantly!
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
You know, that's what happens when you paste in now, and I'm not sure how browsers changed to cause that.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
I'm already a member but happy to re-up at the new price when my current membership ends. I encourage everyone who is not yet a member to join.
Yeah Jeff.. I noticed that a post or two ago.. But I was on my Linux machine and didnt want to give you any free jabs at me ;) until I tested on another machine.
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