Coasterbuzz Club Fall Affair & Voyage construction photos added to Negative-G

Posted | Contributed by Paul Drabek

Photos from the Coasterbuzz Club Fall Affair at Holiday World as well as the construction tour and after ERT party have been added to

Link: Negative-G

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Great photos. The Voyage will surely be a sight when it's completed. I've really got to make it to one of these events some time. They look like a lot of fun!
john peck's avatar
Looked like a great event! Too bad I couldn't be there!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Awesome pics, Paul! Sorry I couldn't be there. :-( The Voyage pics are


That pic with Nasai and the lighter fluid scares me for some reason, and I don't even know him. Odd.

Great pics, and fried oreos? Wow, I never knew.

I have never been to Holiday World, but it looks like I have to make the trip this coming summer. I love smaller parks with some charm that contain coasters that pack a punch. The preliminary pcitures of the Voyage look absolutley amazing. I think we may be on the brink of one of the greatest coasters ever. Lets just hope the giant design and amazing features also prove to be practical.
nasai's avatar
Me? Pyromaniac?


Well there's no smoke without fire Rob ;)
CPLady's avatar
Rob was pretty "fired up" that night. Mmmmm....Wild Turkey....

Kinda fits in well with the new thanksgiving section, though.

Awesome photos Paul! I've been checking out your photos for a long time, and it's very strange to see my head in a few of them now.

Gotta love my head and my wife's head blocking Will during the auction! Too funny. I think that's the circuit board we won in Mrs. Koch's hand too.

I'm still get chills thinking of 'the drop' into pitch black on the Raven. :)

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