CoasterBuzz Club 2003 events posted!

Jeff's avatar

FYI, I've posted the tentative dates for the 2003 CoasterBuzz Club events. Check the link to the right under "tools."

Yep, we're going to Six Flags Great America for CoasterBuzzCon'03, and we're going back to Paramount's Kings Island for what I hope will be an annual event: BeastBuzz!

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Climbing as we fall, we dare to hold on to our fate, and steal away our destiny to catch ourselves with quiet grace" - The Stairs, INXS

Robodud's avatar

Tools? Ouch, you really don't like us do you? ;)

Kick butt on the events though! I can not wait for another CBCon and now BeastBuzz. PKI treated us so well.

"How's your balls feel?"
Parks this year: 35
Beatings from Kara: lost count at 2,504

Great news Jeff. Do you think SFGAm will allow you to have an annual event at their park? I guess maybe we have to see how this one turns out first before they consider that.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 11/19/2002. ***

Sweet!!! I just put my attendance to CBCon2k3 in the meeting calendar...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 11/19/2002. ***

This is awesome news! Thanks alot Jeff for getting this event. Ill see you all there!

Deja Vu Count = 52
SFGAm CoasterWorld

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Jeff, You are the greatest!!!!!

Loyal fan of Nolimits.

joe.'s avatar
This rules. I can't wait!

"I own you!"
-quotes I have been known to exclaim on coasters.

Insert random positive comment here.


Kick The Sky's avatar
Looks like my SRM trip is getting extended through the end of the next week while I make my way out to CP and PKI! I cannot believe you actually got SFGAm to agree to an enthusiast event! I am so there! For having not gone to a single enthusiast event before, it looks like I may be hitting four now this year!

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Wanna Ride A Woodie?

CPLady's avatar

Same here, KTS. I already told the hubby if Beastbuzz is going to be the following weekend after SRM, I'm making a week of it.

And SFGAm! We had such a good time there last August. I know the hubby will want to go back.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

All ready planning for the 2003 season :)! Looking foward to the events!

9Years working at Valleyfair :)! Very much looking foward to 2003 season :)!

Jeff I think you are going to be pleased on how many members join the club. I'm going to join for sure now!!!! I will see you guys at SFGAM! :)
Droooooooool. I am SO looking forward to this! I don't have anyone to go with yet, but hey, I have an entire 6 months to figure that out, right?
I'm saving up my money so I can go. I think that if I dont go Kick the Sky will be Kicking my Butt.

We have waited all through the years for the 6 jokers cards...Carnival of Carnage, the Ringmaster, the Riddlebox, the Great Milenko, the Amazing Jeckel Brothers and now the 6th and Final card...the Wraith. What will happen now?

This is awesome! It is at my homepark!

Favorite Coasters:
1)MF 2)Raging Bull 3) Magnum XL-200 4)Rock N' Roller Coaster 5)Raptor

Awesome awesome

Jen's birthday is June 7th does she get into PKI for free ;)

Who lives in Columbus? We need a halfway point between CP and PKI LOL

Brad? Sean? ;)


Who hopefully will not have a post PKi episode of almost diring liek last years Cbuzz Con

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!

MagnumForce, what happened on your trip to PKI during CBuzzConn? I was working Gun the majority of the day.

SOB crew in twenty 02
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

Nothing happened at PKI.

It happened the day after when I almost died from massive internal bleeding caused by an ulcer in my stomach that got into my main artery going to my legs.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!

Homepark madness! Coasterbuzz Clubbers from all around the nation at my homepark! Thank you S:UF clone! Thank youuuuuuuu!!!
He ain't lying, either - I've seen the scar! ;)

Oh, and I guess this means none of my coastin' friends are coming to my Graduation Open House on the 7th...damnit! Umm - I'm renting a DDR machine, you know:)! Maybe I'll have to reschedule.

Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

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