Coaster Videos Online - Need YOU to add some Links!

Hi All

Over the past few weeks ive been working on a new website, Coaster Videos Online. The site is a database of rollercoaster videos out there on the net.

The site doesnt bandwidth steal, as all links will link to the HTML pages the videos are available to download from. We DONT link to the actual video files themselves. There is also a link to the homepage of each site with each link.

The site is not quite fully functional, but i believe it is good enough to start adding some videos into the database. This is where you guys (and gals) can help!

I want you to add any video of any rollercoaster you know of! The more links people add, the more useful this site will become. Duplication checks are in place so you dont have to worry to see if one has been submitted before!

So where do i go to to add these videos you ask? Well, you go here:
***link removed***
Click the Search Videos button, and then launch the database. It should be self explanatory from there!

Thanks for your help!

Jonathan Dempsey
Webmaster - Coaster Videos Online *** Edited 4/15/2004 12:57:00 PM UTC by Jeff***

Jeff's avatar
The forums are not a place to promote your site. This is spamming, and it's prohibited. Don't do it.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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