Coaster trip day 5 SFGAdv June 9

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I arrived at the park only to find a sign that said, “Kingda Ka will not be running today”. An Intamin rocket coaster broken down? Naw! It can’t happen! Oh well, by Dragster jinx works and Great Adventure also.

A lot of people did not see the sign and lined up on that side of the park and left the Nitro side relatively empty. As I was waiting, I met up with Mat again. He could not decide what to do so He decided to come back to SFGadv for another day. The park opened and we grabbed two quick rides on Nitro. The line started to grow so we headed back to Medusa. The queue was empty and we were able to reride five times without leaving our seats. Man what a great ride. Why can’t CF let people reride? We rode a total of 11 times only reentering the station three times.

At this time, I was still holding on to some hope that KK would open. I have been to both CP and Hershey when signs said their rocket would be closed all day and they opened later in the day. One of the ride ops on Medusa informed us that KK ate it’s self and would not be open for a month or more. He did not know exactly what happened but told us that the train was stuck at the end of the launch track, that the train was broken up and some of the launch track was damaged and that Intamin was in big trouble. Intamin needed to replace the whole train and some of the track. We were able to see the train under tarp on the end of the launch from Medusa’s lift hill and then got a little better view from Rolling Thunder. Rolling Thunder has potential to be a good coaster, it just need better trains. All hope was gone for a ride on KK this trip. We headed back to Nitro and the line was long so we opted for BMTR. The line was not moving much so Mat decided to start his long trip back to Ohio. I waited it out and the line moved extremely slowly. That dam Qbot (pay to cut) really slows the loading time when they do not merge the lines.

Chiller was closed all day so I wasn’t able to pick up the Robin side for my track record. Scream was also closed most of the day. That combined with a lot of exit passes being given out to those who complained about everything being broken made for really long lines on most of the rides. Food service was really really slowly also. I was really impressed with my trip to SFGadv last year, but rather disappointed this year.

The lines did lighten up later in the day and I was able to get in a few laps on my favorite steel, Nitro. Best crews were Nitro and Medusa. Batman’s crew was really slow with two trains really stacked. I spent some time in the Tiger area and I thought that they really did a nice job with the theming and landscapeing. *** Edited 6/15/2005 2:21:12 PM UTC by CP ismyhome***

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

CP ismyhome said:
I arrived at the park only to find a sign that said, “Kingda Ka will not be running today”. An Intamin rocket coaster broken down? Naw! It can’t happen! Oh well, my Dragster jinx works and Great Adventure also.

You too huh, I am 0 for 2 for tallest and fastest roller coasters as well.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

I have a few laps in on TTD, but I have been to the park about 20 times last two years. It does seem like I can cause it to break by simply getting into line. When I get out of line, it works again. ;) I was able to get 5 laps in on it one day last year. It does run well from time to time. Still waiting on a rollback though. *** Edited 6/18/2005 11:17:32 PM UTC by CP ismyhome***

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

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