Coaster Restraints - Worst for Big Riders

Gemini's avatar

I decided to go to CedarPoint specifically to ride certain rides.

You wanted to ride Iron Dragon, but you didn't want to ride Magnum XL-200? Or Corkscrew? Or Gemini? Wow, you have must really like suspended coasters if you'd rather ride Iron Dragon than any of the others.

Seat belt lengths on ride are a real issue.

What length would you like them to be? Just long enough so that you can ride? You have to have a cutoff somewhere. It just so happens that you fall on the wrong side.

Could everyone be wrong and you right? NOT!

Who exactly is everyone?

I am glad you can read what people are thinking because I do not know what her thoughts were or are at this point.

You're the one who said she "cringed." Cringe means to shrink in fear. I'm not reading her thoughts, I'm just going off of your own description.

Geese, Gemini, now you are an expert at calculating tip amounts that should be given to waiters and waitresses. NOT!

Leave the geese out of this. Sure they're loud and annoying, but they're not part of this conversation.

Reality check here you do not automatically tip out at 15% or 20% or give any tip for that matter.

Thanks for that bit of information. I'm sure that all the waiters and waitresses out there are happy that most people don't think like you. If you truly believe that, there's not much I can do. But understand that you have a lot to learn about etiquette.

It doesn't look like many people here are supporting your arguments.

Could everyone be wrong and you right? NOT!

Walt Schmidt - Virtual Midway

CoasterFanVt2003 said:
UMMMMMMM, Dante --- Your AOL profile states:

<<Don't im me if your a fat,loser,fag,ugly,and if your over 25. >>

I think that pretty well demonstrates how you judge the worth of a person, and what your values are... !!!

Nuff said.

First of all, who goes around lookin up peoples AOL profiles? Second, I don't even have AOL, that is like 4 years old. Third, I can (if I want) discriminate against who I want to im me and who I don't, its my instant messanger not yours. Particularly when I'm looking to meet girls.
"You know its a good ride when you come into the final brake run wiping tears from your eyes."

AIM profiles are only viewable if you are logged onto AIM

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.

eightdotthree's avatar
ha ha DorneyDante, you wont meet any girls with a profile like that! :)

service people make their money from tips, they make less than minimum wage as their salary and depend on tips to maker their money. you tip 15%, if they are exceptional you tip more if you want to.

it is not acceptable to leave 48c...... that fact alone takes a lot of credibility out of your points parkentusiest. you can tell a lot about a person when they leave a tip like that.

i go back to my previous statements, until i hear otherwise from a ride manufacturer, the restraints are there to protect you.

MagnumForce said:
AIM profiles are only viewable if you are logged onto AIM

Thanks for the factoid.

Parkenthusiast, I don't see why someone who grumbles over $0.23 (or leaves 5% tips, for that matter) wouldn't understand why Intamin wants to save on R&D by not investing time on "exceptional size" seating. Normally, I might agree with you, but you manage to turn a legitimate complaint into a baseless rant. Nice touch.

Anyway, I'd say the two key words in this thread are "exception" and "accountability". Money rests with the masses. Catering to exceptions, regardless of their nasty internet rants, may not always yield profits. I'll believe that you have a heredity issue/disease that leads to obesity. Now, a similar percentage of adults probably don't even make minimum height. I doubt they could have a valid complaint. If in fact you physicially cannot down to average size, neither do you. Frustrating, but not remarkable. If you can, in fact, change your weight, then it's an issue of accountabity. More importantly, it's an issue of safety. Seats are designed to accomodate the status quo in the most secure manner possible. If a coaster firm was to design seats to maximize possible size in the face of safety, well, I'd imagine a lawsuit wouldn't be far in the future.

Mike Anderson
*** This post was edited by MAnderson 8/20/2003 8:45:52 PM ***

MagnumForce said:
AIM profiles are only viewable if you are logged onto AIM

Its not an AIM profile, it's an AOL homepage, and its like 4 years old. So much for internet whores who have nothing better to do than try to look up information about people on the internet. Be careful what ya ask for , you just might find a former AOL members homepage from four years ago! wahoo

"You know its a good ride when you come into the final brake run wiping tears from your eyes."

And what does an arguement over the amount of a tip to a waiter/waitress in a park resturaunt have to do with the subject of this thread? absolutely nothing that's what.

Come on guys let's get back on topic here,as for the worst restraints for coasters go,I'd say the individual ratcheting bars with the orange pads found on most new PTC trains.

I love the one's PKD uses on their woodies but I can't stand the ones SFA's got on theirs.

Is the extra length on the MF belt an extra safety precaution or what?

Now tell me Cedar Point is running out of space.

DorneyDante writes:

<<First of all, who goes around lookin up peoples AOL profiles? Second, I don't even have AOL, that is like 4 years old. Third, I can (if I want) discriminate against who I want to im me and who I don't, its my instant messanger not yours. Particularly when I'm looking to meet girls.>>

UMMM, Dante, don't quite get your logic there... are you saying that it's OK to be offensive as long as you're lookin' to meet girls???? Puh-lease!!! And what's the difference whether it's an AOL profile from 4 years ago or not - the AOL/AIM name is what you have on your CoasterBuzz profile, and am I supposed to believe you've "CHANGED" in the past 4 yrs????? Sorry --- I don't buy it! Was just trying to make a point as to how you judge the value of people... it's as clear as day. Yes, it's your prerogative in a free country, but not necessarily OK with everyone (or most people) out there. For your own sake I hope you HAVE changed in these last 4 years...

Objectively, what you said in your initial post held some truth... some people honestly *can* change their weight situation through action, but some truthfully canNOT. Please do not embark upon criticism of other people until you yourself have walked in their shoes.

Reality check here you do not automatically tip out at 15% or 20% or give any tip for that matter.

If you were a waiter at a Johnny Rockets and were only making $2.13 an hour (that is exactly what they are paid) and then depending on tips for an Imcome, everytime you went to a restraunt you would be tipping 15-20%

Four, When I stopped to eat at Johnny Rockets the waitress asked my if I wanted my change back from the ten dollars I had given her for a $8.77 bill after I put .50 cents in front of her for the tip. I said yes and the waitress handed me $1.00 back and could not seem to find .23 cents.

The reason she could not seem to find $.23 is because Servers at Johnny Rockets Restraunts do not have access to a Cash Register. They may only open one by requesting that the manager get them change. Which this particular Johnny Rockets is always busy, and I'm sure the manager was pre-occupied by something more important than getting $.23 out of a drawer. Once you are out of change there. You're out unless someone pays you in coins.

YOU DO NOT ASK IF YOU WANT CHANGE OR NOT YOU give the change no matter what.

Not true. It is policy at all Johnny Restraunts to ask our guests whether they would like change back or not. The reason for this is because we have a strict time limit of 28 minutes from when the table's order is rung in, to when it is cashed out. The amount of hours you are scheduled is determined by how long your "table times" are, and if they are under 28 minutes or not.

If this person is taking more time at everytable to get change for every guest in the restraunt. Service would be poor and you would be in there for a long time. It's also for your benefit to be able to go in eat quickly and then go back out into the park.

$8.77 for a cheeseburger and fries. Wow and she expected a $1.73 tip.

I can't even believe I have to comment on this! Do you know where you were? An amusement park buddy... Food is not cheap there. If you were looking to pay a few dollars and not have to tip, you could have walked to your car... the entrance is not far down the midway from Rocket's And gotten in your Car and driven to the McDonalds before the Causeway.

I work at a Johnny Rocket's in Strongsville, Ohio. The Cheapest hamburger we have there is $3.99, "The Original" It's your standard hamburger with lettuce, relish, chopped onion, pickle, mustard, tomato and Mayo. $3.99 is expensive and that's outside an Amusement park. I think its $4.99 at Cedar Point. I'm positive that when you walked in you saw the employees smiling. They did a Dance to either Respect, Love Shack, YMCA, Last Dance or Staying alive. And you enjoyed watching your waitress dance. It's entertainment......Tell me... would you get up there and dance for $.48 ? I didn't think so...

Five, on the way out of the park I stopped to get a small malt shake to take in the car with me. $4 dollars and something cents and they do not have lids for the paper cups.

I do not know of any amusement park that distributes lids for their soft drinks. And CPJR (Cedar Poitn Johnny Rockets) does not use paper cups for togo Shakes or Malts. They're Silver plastic. Not that that matters.

Again... $4 something for a shake is typical for a shake from a Restraunt recognised for famous hamburgers and Malts. At my restraunt they're $3.29 and the taste is worth it. And I'm sorry I'm repeating myself.. but again that McDonalds is still there if you wanted to stop there and get a milkshake for less than $2. I bet they'd even give you a pretty plastic lid for your paper cup there. =oP

Comes back no we do not have lid covers....

Why would you want a cover for your lid? And where did you get the lid from if they did not have any?

I responded with that is why I wanted a cover so I could sip it with the straw.

Do straws not fit in cups with out lids that have indentured ares for the straw to fit? Come on now...

The old guy said that it was do to people throwing them on the ground. makes the park dirty. Then when I said I was leaving to drive home he tells me that I should not be driving and drinking a beverage.

Do you really think they are going to have lids in stock for the few select people who would like to sip with a straw in their car on the ride home? And how did they know you weren't going to take a detour and walk around for a while. Decide not to use a waste recepticle...?

First off I sat down at the front service counter not at a table or booth.

You're not supposed to just plop down at the counter and expect to get service as if you would have waited your turn. I'm sure there was a list of people waiting to be sat. I Know if someone disregards the "Pleas wait to be seated" Sign at my Johnny Rocket's Doors I get pissed because it's not my turn for a table.

Second, the food was served in a paper boat for the fries and a paper hamburger wrapper. This was not served on a dish plate like you would think.

CPJR has over $1,000,000 in sales a Month. Would you want to be the person in the back doing a Million dollars worth in sales of dishes for $6.50 an hour? It's convienent to use an Herb Plate instead of Porcelin due to low maintenence. Cheaper than water and the industrial sized dishwasher plus the person to operate the machine too...

Third, the fries came much earlier than the cheeseburger did.

Again, this is policy that all Johnny Rockets must abide by. If you look at the American Fries, Onion Rings, 1/2 fries & 1/2 rings on the Menu they're under the "Appetizers" Section of the menu. Denotating that they are brought out before the main course of the meal...Your hamburger.

I am merely asking for a money refund based on several displeasures as a result of an issue with the length of ride seatbelts that that they know exist.

You find it displeasurable that you cannot ride because you are overweight. That's your problem. Your fat is not the VP of Cedar Point's Responsibility to tuck under a seatbelt. If it doesn't fit. Would it make more sense to tell people, "It's ok! Just keep eating! We'll keep extending the seatbelts more and more every year YOU eat." or Just to lose some weight?

And on the subject. Johnny Rockets Hamburgers are 1/3lb. And our fries are cooked in Grease. Our milkshakes are made with Whole Milk and fattening Ice Cream. Not to mention sugary fountain syrups such as strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla etc. You probably just prevented yourself from riding Dragster for a longer period of time. And you had to pay $8.77 + $.48 for that! What were you THINKING? Geese...or should I say turkey...?

That puts major counter diction on who actually would be restricted from riding.

What were you trying to enunciate at the counter?

I never said that people with prosthetic limbs should not be allowed to ride amusement rides. I did imply though that there are far more serious implications of a prosthetic limb flying off and hitting someone in the face versus giving 3 or 5 inches extra length on a seat belt.

You're exactly right on this one... The Chances of a prostetic limb hitting me in the face while standing under Dueling Dragons (which happens to be marsh-type land) is very high if there were to be a person riding along with their prostetic pal.

Excuse me Jeff but that picture represents an advertisement showing someone who is quite big riding the ride.

That picture represents an advertisement that everyone on the train enjoyed the ride. If I rode the ride and was tramatized because I was advertised to, to believe that the ride was very exciting should I write to the company and demand a refund because the ride was displeasurable? Think not...

Food and beverage prices go up does that mean the tip should also increase for the person who is doing the same quality job. Your logic is flawed there.

Seems to work everywhere else! The Johnny Rockets I work at has lower Prices and I make about 18% everyday of my sales. JRCP's servers walk out everyday with between $100-250 a shift depending on the business of the park. I Know that for a fact.

CoasterToCoaster it has everything to do with quality of product, service and very little to do with adding up the total bill and basing the tip on it.

Was your meal unsatisfactory? Care to share what was wrong with your food? Do you have eColi? Were your fries too greasy? (They're cooked in Grease)

At Johnny Rockets we have a thing Called a Guest Promise. It's a list of things we're supposed to do as a service to our guests. It includes Pouring ketchup with a smile, twirling straws, dance often, and "Happy Snappy Service in 30 minutes or less". I'm positive they poured ketchup for you. Twirled Straws for you, Dances and Definately had you in and out in less than 30 minutes.

The poor girl ran out of change for Christ's sake! is $.23 a big deal? What would you have purchased for $.23 cents anyway. Chances are... if you were able to ride rides, you would have lost the change anyway. When you become a man and start to get yourself regular reality checks, respond.

Word to Cedar Point....You could make a LOT of money on a high-capacity aerobic exercise machine facility located in disaster transport's building. Pay-Per-Workout attractions. Maybe soomer or later people would stop complaining about seatbelts and realize they're just fat.
*** This post was edited by XFlighter 8/21/2003 2:35:26 AM ***

CoasterFanVt2003 said:

UMMM, Dante, don't quite get your logic there... are you saying that it's OK to be offensive as long as you're lookin' to meet girls???? Puh-lease!!! And what's the difference whether it's an AOL profile from 4 years ago or not - the AOL/AIM name is what you have on your CoasterBuzz profile, and am I supposed to believe you've "CHANGED" in the past 4 yrs????? Sorry --- I don't buy it! Was just trying to make a point as to how you judge the value of people... it's as clear as day. Yes, it's your prerogative in a free country, but not necessarily OK with everyone (or most people) out there. For your own sake I hope you HAVE changed in these last 4 years...

-That IS my AIM name "partykiddante" not denying that. It was also my AOL sn when I had AOL, 4 years ago!

-Ya know what? I haven't changed. I STILL wouldn't want a fat gf. Sorry if that offends you.

"You know its a good ride when you come into the final brake run wiping tears from your eyes."

Ride manufacturers have no obligation to accommodate everyone. Once you realize that, then you need to have the determination to make yourself fit on the rides. I'm living proof of this. I was gradually getting bigger and bigger to the point where by the end of the 2001 season, I was forced to use the big boy seats on Talon. That was enough incentive for me to do something about it. Although I'm not where I want to be yet, I have dropped around 70 pounds, and have no problem in any seat on any coaster.

The point is, you need to be dedicated to help yourself, because, no one is going to do it for you.


Dorne Dante said he doesn't want a fat girlfriend. Then don't get married either becuase she'll get fat on you real fast, especially with that attitude. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I would want a bunch of little DD's running around anyways!! :-)

Wood - anything else is an imitation

*reversing the thread drift a bit*

Just wanted to return to the subject of wooden coasters, I want people to know that unlike the flamefest gong on above, I never thought the parks should accommodate everyone, though the impulse seats specifically are too tight for normal people. My brother who is thin and normal complained that WT's restraints were very tight around his chest. Simlarly to Viper at SFGAdv's horribly designed restraints, they should be comfortable for those who fit.

My gripe with wooden coasters stems from the fact that most are retroactively adding those seat dividers and that is a big problem since the cars were not designed to have the extra piece of wood in there. CP's Mean Streak is designed for it (thought still slightly tight) while Blue Streak feels like that piece shouldn't be there.

I do think that the biggest problem is that there should be an actual, normal seat for testing at the front of the queue *including the seat belts* like Wicked Twister so you don't have to wait to find out if you fit or not. If the cars are changed, then the test seat should be changed as well to reflect the changes. A false positive on the test seat is a problem that should easily be fixed and will result in fewer problems in the station. There will still be many who will wait on line and find out laer that they don't fit, but if they tried the test seat and still can't fit, it makes the park look bad.

parkenthusiast said:

Driving over 260 miles one way for 5 hours one way and end up only going on two rides because you discover that you fit fine in the
attraction seats and the lap bar or pull over bar comes down fine but the seatbelt is too short
to connect properly is not cool.

Top Thrills Dragstor test seat - no go. Seatbelt would not reach.

MF no go Seat Belt would not reach.

Wicked Twister - no go. Seat Belt would not reach.

I would like a refund, Seat belts are to short, I am going to get help on this.

When I stopped to eat at Johnny Rockets the waitress asked my if I wanted my change back from the ten dollars for a cheeseburger and fries. Wow and she expected a $1.73 tip.
Five, on the way out of the park I stopped to get a small malt shake to take in the car with me. Yep, I will get my refund that I am asking for and so should anyone who experienced not being able to go on attractions do to a single problem with a restraint system on the attractions

Dude... Im not tring to mean to you but.... Im a big ol' Bear 5'10 245 Lbs... If i dont fit on a cedarpoint ride becuase of my weight...( which has never happened ) cheeseburgers, fries, and a malt.... would not be on my menu... you ***** about not being able to fit on rides yet eat that greasy & fatting foods ? uuuummmm... yeah..


*** This post was edited by Dennis 8/21/2003 11:02:30 AM ***
eightdotthree's avatar

thrillfan said:
though the impulse seats specifically are too tight for normal people. My brother who is thin and normal complained that WT's restraints were very tight around his chest. Simlarly to Viper at SFGAdv's horribly designed restraints, they should be comfortable for those who fit.

im gonna mention it again. impulse coasters go vertical, and on most of them they stop on the back spine and hold, where everyone in the train falls forward against the restraints. its got to be for safety.

/ --------------------------------------

Thrillfan, I totally agree with you about test seats outside rides - indeed, they are often not representative of what you will find on the actual ride. When I tried the test seat outside Top Thrill Dragster, the CP employee who was standing guard at the entrance to the queue engaged me in conversation and told me that the test seat, she thought, was in actuality a Millennium Force test seat, and that the actual seats on TTD had even tighter fitting seatbelts. On Superman: Ride of Steel at SFNE (my favorite steel coaster of all time!) the test seat has a seatbelt akin to what you'd find in the rear seats of each car of the trains, but nowhere does it convey that there are larger seatbelts in the *front* seats of every single car on the train! And, of course, on B&M inverted coasters, the test seat is usually a regular, not bigboy type, so you'd never know there were such seats, if they happen to exist on that particular ride.

I really think this is a subject that needed to be aired and discussed. Hopefully, some park officials out there (or coaster manufacturers!) will read these forums and maybe see some of the input.

Sincere thanks to everyone for contributing to the topic, no matter whether we are in agreement or not - really appreciate your input! I've learned a lot reading your posts... especially that I'm not alone out there in my concerns. I never wanted to suggest that coasters be built to accommodate every body type out there, but I *do* feel as though some could be a bit more generous on the seatbelts, without impacting safety or design at all.

I guess they should make XXL sized coasters to accomodate larger people huh, because I'm thinking they don't make them larger is because there goal is a fun safe ride for the averages sized person, don't get to bent out of shape though its possible for most alrge people to trim down, but if your a dwarf or a midget then your screwed, so just be glad you can ride if you slim down.

Also DD seems like a typical moron that has scars from getting beat down everyday in school for his lunch money, and now has to lash out to build up his considerably low self esteem. Just be glad your not him, think he has to pick up girls on the net, thats really really sad.

Welcome to Coasterbuzz Bonez!

"You know its a good ride when you come into the final brake run wiping tears from your eyes."

eightdotthree's avatar
do you think that the bigger seatbelts in the front seat of intamin trains has something to do with the fact that the seat sits lower than the one behind it?

/ --------------------------------------

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