Coaster/ Park Credit Cards.....

Let me first state that I'm not spamming the forum. I just thought that it was cool that you can do this.

While Six Flags offers a card, this is better IMHO. You can put any image on the card that you wish(copyright/indecent images excluded). I just got my MF card in the mail today. I think Chase also offers this same type of service. Show everyone your coaster pride. I'm also told AMEX offers this as well. But I have not been able to find a link. *** Edited 8/30/2006 7:59:35 AM UTC by indyandrew***

That is pretty cool.

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
DawgByte II's avatar
That's not too bad, with the exception that there's no actual rewards such as the Sony Visa, or even the Six Flags Visa (does that exist anymore w/ Shapiro?). I was tempted to get the Six Flags Visa so I could earn a season pass... now... I got second thoughts.

Your only reward with these cards, it appears, is just that you can put your own image on there.

I do not like Capital One.

I like the concept though.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Chase Bank offers a Six Flags Mastercard. You can find the link on the Six Flags home page. *** Edited 8/30/2006 1:05:36 PM UTC by Coaster_Lizard***
Jeff's avatar
Neuski tried this... and they rejected all of his pictures citing copyright infringement, even though they were his pictures. Here's what he settled on...

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

It was either copyright infringement or nude or semi-nude infants or children that rejected the first one. ;)

Actually Jeff, the picture I sent in was one pulled from Cedar Point's download section. So, maybe that is why it was rejected. My thumb is way cooler anyway. *** Edited 8/30/2006 1:49:48 PM UTC by Neuski***


Is it free to do this, Neuski?

I was sent an email that I could get a new card for free. Mine would have expired in November, so maybe that had something to do with it. My assumption is that I was part of a "test" wave. I'm sure the option will be open to new customers in time.

If you're currently a Capital One Visa card then I would call and find out if your eligible.

I have the SF Mastercard and have not paid for Season Passes for several years. Yes, it's still good for Season Passes, Daily Tickets and SF Bucks.

Laugh your troubles away at Riverview, the world's largest amusement park.
I had the Six Flags card long enough to earn one free ticket. After I thought it through, I realized I'd rather just get the cash back from Discover or Chase.

When I took my free ticket to Six Flags Ohio, I had to wait at the front gate for about 15 minutes while low-level employees discussed whether they could accept it. Then they disappeared, and when I noticed there wasn't a single person taking tickets at the gate, I just walked on in. No one tried to stop me.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Yep, I also have had the Six Flags Mastercard for several years as well. You get one regular ticket good at any Six Flags park for each $2,500 you spend.

Since I put everything on my credit card, I typically have enough for around 2-3 tickets free a year, which works for me nicely.

You can get season passes by using the card too; I believe that you can get a season pass for 10,000 points - which is equivalent to spending $10,000 on the card. You can also get a family season pass too. I don't remember everything exactly, but I know it is possible still.

Brian S.
Wow Neuski that thumb card is pretty cool. I thought my MF card was good but that was just classic. You must get some strange comments/looks from the Mensa members who work in retail these days. But Bravo on the idea.
rollergator's avatar

Den said:When I took my free ticket to Six Flags Ohio, I had to wait at the front gate for about 15 minutes while low-level employees discussed whether they could accept it. Then they disappeared, and when I noticed there wasn't a single person taking tickets at the gate, I just walked on in. No one tried to stop me.

LOL, so incredibly reminiscent of our "early entry" to SFDL during SpringCon...

If you do not know, or cannot figure out, precisely which wristband/sticker/lanyard gets me in for ERT, then I'll figure it out for you... :)

THAT grumpy older lady sure was no Mensa member... ;)

*** Edited 8/30/2006 6:57:55 PM UTC by rollergator***

I don't think this is what they mean by Cre-ho.

Credit Ho? Get it?



coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Don't forget the fiasco at Libertyland, was something about that orange ticket that we needed among the 50,000 other wristbands and tickets in our registration packs. ;)

That was priceless. :)


But, Bill /is/ a Creho.
Gives a new meaning to the term coaster credit.
john peck's avatar
I also had a Chase Six Flags Visa. I earned enough for a $50 voucher and that was enough!

I use different cards now to get better cash back.

crazy horse's avatar
I have the capital one card. I was able to choose my own picture, so I sent them a picture of a coaster that I took. They accepted it.

I did however try to get a picture of the castle at disney that I took put on the card, and it was denied.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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