Coaster Mayhem 2006 - WOF

Don't know for sure if I'll be at Mayhem but will be there opening day bright and early for sure.
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I probably won't get there until after noon. I'd rather sleep in a little before making the drive down from Des Moines. But maybe I'll get the bug by April and want to be on the first train with ya's. :)

Oh and by the way, Crazyforcoasters, I usually just drive down for the day and back that night, so you're welcome to tag along if that works out for ya.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Andy when will you be in Branson? Let me know and I will try to plan accordingly. I would love to show you around the parks.

AV, the entire MiG crew will be there. You can also meet a lot of the people from that day as well.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Coolio. Just look for the guy that looks like me. That'll be me. ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

When it gets closer to opening day PM me and perhaps we can arrange a meeting. Usually we all meet up at noon at the sunken fountain. I would imagine that will happen again this season.
ApolloAndy's avatar
Swoosh - If I can throw this trip together I'd be in Branson on Fri. But the fiance is already giving me dirty looks, so it might not be in the cards.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Yeah, I know all about fiances giving dirty looks. When I told Missy that I had to miss not one but TWO ACE events because of her she wasn't happy. LOL! I have to miss Coaster Mayhem because she is graduating with her masters on that day from Illinois State -- maybe we can run up to SFGAdv when wer'e done -- and then our wedding is same weekend as HoliWood Nights.

So I WILL coast a lot during the week between her graduation and our wedding!!! IF ANYONE needs a coaster riding partner I will be available as I'm sure that week up to the wedding will be a lot of "FUN" and I will need to get out of the house. *sigh* you are going to opening day at WOF? I might be able to sneak there an 'unofficial' meeting maybe?

Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
Yes, as tradition with, we always meet up at noon at the sunken fountain on opening day.


It seem like we might be meeting a little earlier this year.

Who knows if we'll be ready for a Patriot break by noon?

I know I probably won't be ready for a break by then, but I'm just saying that is when we normally meet. I think pushing it back to 3pm or so might be the best thing. I don't see me leaving Patriot Plaza most of the morning. :)
Mamoosh's avatar
Well a wrench has been thrown into our plans. Seems few of the parks we want to visit are open weekdays that time in May. We wanted to plan a week long trip that began with the WoF event and ended with HW's event and hitting parks in Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin. Only the Branson parks are open.

Oh well...back to the [over]planning board!

Looking at the week on May 20 (Coaster Mayhem) to May 27 (HoliWood Nights)
  • Adventureland - Open Daily
  • Arnolds Park - Open May 21-22
  • Six Flags St. Louis - Open Daily
  • Six Flags Great America - Open Daily
  • Silver Dollar City - Open Daily
  • Celebration City - Open May 26
  • Valleyfair - Open Daily
  • Park at MOA - Open Daily

I don't see what the big fuss is about as you can easily fit all of those parks into your trip. Start out going to Arnolds and then Adventureland, then go over hit SFGAm and SFStL and then go hit SDC/CC and then get out to HW.

Mamoosh's avatar
Thanks, Swoosh! When we were planning last week many of those parks had not posted their 2006 hours so we compared to last year.
Really the only two that you have to worry about are Arnolds and Celebration City. It is really weird how late CC is opening this season. Its first 3 years had it opening in early March for Spring Break.

Happy Dance!

Talked to Missy and we found out that she had the wrong date for her graduation, it's the weekend before so we will both be at Coaster Mayhem!

Make you reservations now as Swoosh and Moosh will be at the same location on the same day -- that doesn't happen very often (try never;))

Good thing this is in May. Just in the last week it was made public that multiple things I was looking forward to would fall between June 9th and July 9th. At least there is one thing I can attend.

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