This is probably one of the best out right now if you don't want to join a club.
ACE puts out two great publications: ACE News and Roller Coaster! magazine. ACE News is bi-monthly, RC! is quarterly.
The ECC puts out First Drop 5 or 6 times a year- that is one hell of a fine publication too. It covers lots of U.S. stuff as well as European and Asian rides that American publications don't cover. A wise choice if you want a lot of everything.
Of course, I'm partial to Timber Tales for obvious reasons ;)
Theme Parks Online is a great read and looks stunning but it is feature/destination driven. I don't think you'll find much news there...I could be wrong. I plan on getting a subscription at their booth at PPP.
ACE is definitely improving the design of their publications but their content, especially news, is rather dated compared to that in First Drop.
Timber Tales is an excellent B&W newsletter/magazine and a steal at $20/year. But, if someone is looking for well-rounded content covering all kinds of coasters this isn't for them. If you love wooden coasters you CANNOT go wrong with the Wood Coaster Fan Club and Timber Tales. Each issue has been better and better and this club and its publication are only going to improve.
NAPHA puts out a newsletter but, sadly, I cannot recommend it at this time. I understand they are an all-volunteer organization but they are so far behind I just got the newletter than had the Dragster announcement!
Coaster Zombies also puts out a club newsletter. I haven't seen it in a while so I can't comment on the quality.
DAFE [Dark Ride and FunHouse Enthusiasts] has a newsletter as well, an excellent source if you're a dark ride fan.
Timer Tales huh? I'm beginning to like the sound of that. I'm sure that one would never be late. ;)
I'm also very partial towards Timber Tales. It's awesome if you like wood coasters and definitely the best publication about wood coasters out there. Rob does an outstanding job with our publication!
Kadoos buddy!!!
Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
Timber Tales aside, Moosh is right... if you want nice photos and a wide variety of ride reviews, First Drop (ECC) is the one to beat. The combination of ACE News and Roller Coaster magazine is a VERY close second (with ACE News being my favorite).
It has been a while since I've been a NAPHA member but I have heard numerous complaints about their publication recently. Too bad... there are a lot of people in that club that could probably write a bunch of interesting articles... perhaps that will happen if NAPHA News is given an overhaul and some direction? Speaking of NAPHA, Jim Futrell (who has been involved with the club for a LONG time) is the author of "Amusement Parks of PA" and "Amusement Parks of NJ". Both are outstanding books and are worth reading because of the wealth of information contained within. They are like magazines with a bunch of feature articles!
I didn't mention DAFE and Barrel 'O Fun because that's not really coasters, but if you're into darkrides you might want to consider a DAFE membership. The last issue of Barrel 'O Fun was ALL Kennywood and was terrific. Rick Davis does a great job with that organization.
Rob Ascough said:The ECC puts out First Drop 5 or 6 times a year- that is one hell of a fine publication too. It covers lots of U.S. stuff as well as European and Asian rides that American publications don't cover. A wise choice if you want a lot of everything.
First Drop used to deliver 6 times a year and I think they still claim that when you subscribe, but that hasn't been my experience as of the last couple of years. In 2003 they published issues in April, July and November and that was all; half of what was promised. This year I have issues from March and June and nothing more. I suspect there will be another one in time for IAAPA.
Yes, when it finally arrives it does have the latest news, and a lot of good coverage, but there is no publication schedule, Justin just slaps a date on the magazine whenever it's ready to go. I also find the writing and editing to be somewhat substandard.
Of course I'm partial to ACE News and RollerCoaster! and although we occasionally fall behind, we always publish 6 issues of ACE News and 4 issues of RollerCoaster! each year.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
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