Coaster Madness Question

I'm off to Dorney Park for Coaster Madness on Friday. I just wanted to know, do they let you bring cameras on the rides?
-Sean Newman
Cedar Point is very strict about lose items, including if it's like CP, then no, since both are owned by CF.

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No cameras of any kind are allowed on the rides at Dorney. I did the responsible thing and asked the park. I would imagine that it is a Cedar Fair policy across the board.
Eastcoaster Field of 64
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Heh, I was thinking about checking out Coaster Madness - then I realized the park has been so dead that every day is like ERT. Last night (Saturday) we stopped by around 8pm and stayed until closing. I never saw more than 8 people on a train on any of the coasters. I was trying to count/estimate the number of cars in the parking lot as we climbed the lift on Steel Force and I'd have to say there were maybe 75 cars total in both the regular and passholder lots. There were also 2 busses parked. No park should be that empty on a Saturday night in mid/late June. There had to be under 500 people in the park. It was creepy. The topper was that they still ran two trains on Steel Force, Talon and Hercules. They could've run one and still not filled trains but kept two going (some parks really should take note of that). It's been like that all season. The weather is finally supposed to let up and get warm this week so maybe some people will finally show up. Anyway...

I still might head over that afternoon (the 27th) and see if I run into anyone from these forums.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 8

I'll be there as well, I've been wanting to go to Dorney for years, but never quite got around to it. I'll probably arrive in time for lunch, and stay untill the end of the Talon ERT. Any advice on any must-ride flats, shows, etc....???
LuvRaptor's avatar
Lord Gonchar said:

I still might head over that afternoon (the 27th) and see if I run into anyone from these forums.


I'll be there! :) :)
Be sure to check out my new Raptor tat! :)

2000/2002/Raptor Crew
2003 Crew ?
Lifetime Raptor flights: 749 :) (goin for 1k in '03!)
Who CP HATES when she talks about Talon! ;)
It's all about getting around the barrels or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and still looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

CoasterFan4Life said:
I'll probably arrive in time for lunch, and stay untill the end of the Talon ERT.

You might want to check with the park about that... I'm thinking that you are only able to purchase the CoasterMadness tickets in the morning before the park opens at 10. I could be wrong though...

TiggerMan's avatar
Yeah I debated about taking the day off for this event, since, like Lord G. said, just about any evening is like ERT anyways. But I have decided to go anyways.... hopefully a good chance to meet some of you folks here.

Is anyone else using their CoasterBuzz membership as the "qualifying coaster club"?

Men are like parking spaces... the good ones are all taken and the rest are handicapped or too far away.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I can't believe I forgot to mention this sooner. If any of you guys (or gals) need a room, my wife is the GM at the Hampton Inn - their rate for a standard room this time of year is normally $109 but she's willing to hook up anyone going to Coaster Madness with a $79 rate. A pretty decent deal for a nice hotel room. Just drop me a line if this is something you'd be interested in and we'll get you set.

I hope this isn't seen as trying to "sell" the hotel. I'm just trying to help out some fellow enthusiasts :)

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 8

wait a minute isn't it a standard policy at allmost all major chain amusement parks that not camera's or photography equipment are not allowed on rides. I have seen a few small parks allow it but never a park like dorney.
Assume The Position!
The flying position S:UF
times on RB:615
You can register for Coaster Madness at Guest Relations at any time of the day. I got there around 6 pm last year and had no problem getting my badge for the ERT. I'll be doing the same this year.

Sue Barry

Even though the park seems rather empty this year, the event gives me a reason to take a personal day at work and make a long weekend for myself:), since I know the following weekend will be a long work weekend:( . Maybe I'll actually get to meet Gonchar, and not just be filmed by him;) .

Eastcoaster Field of 64

Is there a limit to how many guests someone can take who aren't a member of a coaster club?

-Sean Newman

SFgadvMAN said:
Is there a limit to how many guests someone can take who aren't a member of a coaster club?

-Sean Newman

Another question I asked the park since there was the possibility of some family wanting to go with me. I was OKed for 6. Now everyone except the wife has backed out :( . The best thing to do is e-mail customer service. They have always been helpful for me.

Eastcoaster Field of 64

Lord Gonchar's avatar

geneticfreak said:
Maybe I'll actually get to meet Gonchar, and not just be filmed by him ;)

Heh, so close that day, huh?

I'm going to try my best to get over there sometime during the day. Most likely late afternoon/early evening. I'll make sure somebody (either the wife or daughter) slaps on a coasterimage shirt. If anybody spots one, I'll probably be close by. Feel free to approach. I'll keep keeping an eye out for familiar faces too :)

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 8

I should be there as well! I can't wait. I just hope it isn't too crowded, now that the weather is supposed to be nice and that the kids (ugh) are out of school **sigh**.

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