Coaster game on Dreamcast

Has anyone heard about that roller coaster game on Dreamcast that is only availible in Japan? I know you can special order it from Japan, but does anyone know if it will come out here anytime soon? I heard it was a pretty good game and you get to ride the coasters you build. And if you know of any websites about this game, please post them!

Bryan, AKA CP-god
I have heard of it, check IGN at i believe. it will be in either reviews or previews. If is not right go to and click on the dreamcast site.
Matt Bly
I saw something on one dream cast web page but i don't remember which one

The game in Japan is called Jet Coaster Dream and you design roller coasters for this guy. It is suppose to come to the U.S. before the end of the year and it will be called Dream Coaster hear. I have it pre-ordered and the guy at Babbages said it will probobaly be out around October.

4 MF rides 1 day
I'd heard it was coming to the US, but I didn't know when. Thanks!


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