Coaster Event at Silverwood in September Questions

This is a two part post.

Part one: Does ayone know anything about the event at Silverwood on September 7? I saw it at, but the link provided doesn't contain any info about the event. It's just a link to the Silverwood site. Is this a regional ACE event?

Part two: If anyone who posts here is going to this, what is your gameplan? I was actually going to be at Silverwood that weekend (Sunday), but the Saturday event throws my plans off. I was planning on checking out Vancouver Playland and The Fair Friday and Saturday, and then heading to Silverwood on Sunday. I'd like to check out this event, but sticking a trip to Silverwood in the middle would cause a lot of extra driving back and forth across the Northwest. Any thoughts?


nasai's avatar
Well, Chris....I don't know about the specific Silverwood event. You could e-mail Ronald Anderson. He is a member of ACE, and just came back from Silverwood. I would like to join you for the Fair and PNE. Let me know.:)
Nice and safe? Nah!

nasai - Check your e-mail. :)

I'm probably just gonna stick with my original plan.

"drop rides, not bombs."

Mamoosh's avatar

Chris - Coaster Alley Convergence @ Silverwood is not an ACE event nor a park-sponsored event. Rather, it is an "event" put together by Bay Area coaster enthusiast Kevin Coley. Silverwood allows any group or 20 or more people to "rent" Timber Terror and Tremors by the hour after park closing for ERT. Kevin has booked those two coaster for 2 hours of ERT on Saturday, Sept 7th. The more people who sign up for CAC @ Silverwood the less per person it costs to rent the coasters for ERT [I believe its about $50 per person if only 20 people go]

If you would like all the details on attending CAC you can email Kevin at[REMOVE]

I was planning on going but a work committment forced me to cancel. Still, there is a great group of people attending and it should be a ton of fun. Most everyone is also going to hit Playland in Vancouver and the Puyallup Fair south of Seattle. Puyallup's wooden coaster, only open when the fair is running, is the only one left running Prior & Church trains!

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

nasai's avatar

............And Mamoosh, you forgot to say that the Coaster Thrill Ride at the Puyallup is wonderful, and almost perfect.:)

Gosh, now I want to go, but I have a prior commitment too. Argh!
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nasai - Got your message today, but it was crazy at work. I'll definitely be in touch with you tomorrow.

Mamoosh - Thanks a lot for the info. This is going to make planning this trip way more difficult than I thought.
"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Mamoosh's avatar

nasai - I've never been to Puyallup, so I would have no way of knowing how wonderful or perfect Coaster Thrill Ride is, although I do know quite well the wonder and perfection of Playland's Coaster!

chris - other than meeting at Silverwood on the 7th there are no formal plans for the entire group to travel anywhere else. Rather, friends are travelling in small groups to whatever destinations they wish to go to. Some are heading to Vancouver, others are driving down to Lagoon. If you read the Usenet newsgroup Rec-roller-coaster you'll find a roll call there and you can see for yourself who's going in case you want to hook up with anyone. And I strongly suggest writing Kevin, he's a great help ;-)

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

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