Coaster Enthusiast boyfriend/girlfriend

I'm married. My husband likes coasters, but not as much as I do!
CPLady's avatar

I'm married and have been with my husband for 25 years. Going to CP at least once a year was always part of the deal. He likes roller coasters, but isn't an "enthusiast" like I am. He indulges me, tho. He rode coasters in Vegas with me, went to Michigan's Adventure last year, and attended Coasterbuzz Con with me at PKI. If I want to go to an event and he doesn't, I'm still able to go.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I've never come across a girl who shares the same enthusiasm for coasters as I do.

Formally Known as Ozzyhead.

awwww. messiah i'm jealous. i want some hot coaster girls!!!!
My *almost* girlfriend has no problem with my enthusiasm for coasters and Cedar Point, but admits she doesn't like any type of ride.... A little conflict in interest there... :(

Tommy Penner - Variable X
"We'll pust a boot in your ass, it's the American way."

I introduced my girlfriend to both of my hobbies, coasters and 311, and she's grown a liking to both now. And she introduced me to, well let me just say a certain type of baseball. ;)

I am married and my wife enjoys coasters as much or more than I do. We are building our coaster counts together, and have started taking trips to parks in the last year. It wasn't something we knew we both would enjoy when we got together, we just found out later.
My and my girlfriend love coasters. While I wouldnt quite say shes an enthusiast, she is getting there. It turns out she always liked coasters, but never had anyone to ride them with. So, it worked out great for us. All of the parks I go to, she comes with me. We love going to parks together. In fact, we have made the 8 hour drive to cedar point 2 years in a row, and shes already talking about going back next year.

Well I wouldn't call my girlfirend an enthusiast like myself, but she does love going on rollercoasters and makes it a point to go with me in the summer more than once.

-lol force312 "certain type of baseball"

I'm newly married (December 15, 2001), and my coaster enthusiasm actually began while we were dating. I got mono and had to stay home for about two weeks. I'd always enjoyed my home state's offerings in coasters, but I didn't know anything else about them. So, one day when I was home sick, I did a web search on rollercoasters, found the 'buzz...and now I'm hooked!

She's been a great sport about the whole thing. We always go to parks together (except PKI...she really doesn't like it there) and her coaster count is only about 5 or so less than mine. She's by no means an enthusiast, but she's always enjoyed herself on our trips, even our first "enthusiast" event, SRM.

Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?

I just had a g/f that loved coasters as much as I do. Everytime when I went up too CP I'd bring her, and we would ride MF like 3 or 4 times!

Oh well she was a bia anyways.;)

Stop the lawyers, not the rides!

Married 13 years and my wife can't STAND it. She thinks all of you are a bunch of total weirdos and I am the head king of all freaks. She utterly despises CP and in all likelihood will never visit again.

She even managed to convince CoastaBaby to bail out of the CPlaya 100--which CBaby has never stopped kicking herself for doing.

On the other hand, Playette has purchased a VF season pass, accompanied me to USF/IOA and even suggested adding BGT to the trip. If you asked her where she'd like to vacation next, PCW would actually be #3 or #4 on the list.

I don't think she's figured herself out yet.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Well, I don't know much about this yet, I've never really had a serious g/f or anything like that, just basically close friends. I don't think it's geeky, I mean, almost everybody has a hobby that seems weird to some people (hey, I know guys who collect beanie babies, and NOT to sell them for money). I like alternative/rock/punk music, coasters (obviously), Notre Dame sports especially football, collect sports cards, play a lot of sports, and have a good size collection of posters.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

rollergator's avatar
Do what I did, find yourself a "significant other".....THEN turn them on to coasters.....Jill's may not be exactly "hard-core" but she's got the bug, and I have enough *enthusiasm* for the whole train, station, and then some....:)

Welcome to the Cedar Point skyride....we'll take you up 50, drop you down 30, all at an amazing speed of 6 miles per hour....we won't see you back unless you make the return trip!

force312 said:

Eddie D said:

-lol force312 "certain type of baseball"

I was hoping someone would get it...

I got it, it's just not very funny!

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it!

Well I have been with my fiance for over 2 years now and about 1 month after we got together we did a rode trip from Maryland to do CP, PKI, and SFWoA. It didn't take much convincing because she loves coasters too. In fact, the guy she was with before me refused to go on coasters...she forced him to take her to parks and stand there and watch her as she got on all the coasters. Neither of us are geeky and our friends/co-workers think that we have a cool hobby. They are always asking us about our trips and the coasters that we rode.

Happy Coastering!


"Have fun stormin' the castle!"

I've been married for nine months, but with my hubby for a total of 5 1/2 years. When we first started dating, he wasn't much of a coaster fan, and actually quite intimidated by some of the ones I wanted him to ride. But, with a little carefull coaxing, he's become as big a freak as I am! He always thought it was cool though that I am a coaster freak. Now all of our vacation planning tries to include a place where we can visit new parks.

Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you're going to miss in the years ahead.

I am the enthusiast in the relationship. My Fiancee however loves coasters!


High School! Girlfriend!

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