Coaster Commercial

Has anyone seen the new MTV coaster commercial? it is really cool. There are these 2 guys sitting in the front row, the one guy puts on his harness, and the other guy just sits there. The worker comes to check their seats and the guy sasys that he doesnt want his on. he says"it's only this one time..." The worker lets him do it and then the ride blasts off!!! it goes through a series of twists. The train comes back through the station and the friend without the harness on is gone. It turns out to be a SEX COMMERICAL!!!!! It is a condom awareness commercial, saying that only once without a condom can get u in big trouble with diseases and is a really cool commercial! hope ya'll see it...

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

Oh no a "SEX COMMERCIAL!!!!!" Gasp

Turn sarcasm off now

It's a good commercial that makes sense, but it surely is not a SEX COMMERCIAL!!!! It's not as if they are advertising prostitutes.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 12/18/2002. ***

it is a sex commercial.the topic deals with sex, so therefore...condoms and sex go together...i entered it that way because of the shock that it gives off when u see it the first time. I had no idea what it was for and then the sex and condom talk came and i was shocked that it was for that..very good commercial though

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

you mean it isn't the new Knott's commercial? :)

0-82 in 2.3 seconds! =Wow!

I liked the commercial, it can connect a regular thing(attending amusement parks) with a very serious issue. It gets the point across well. This coming from a person who learns everyday that condoms are bad at his Catholic Highschool.

I must agree, it is a "SEX COMMERCIAL." What else do condoms associate with?

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem

The coaster in the commercial is a Vekoma SLC. My guess would be Kong at SFMW.

Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorite Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

I saw that commercial about 4 weeks ago and completely forgot to post it. It was definalty weird because at first, I seriously thought it was a cheesey PC coaster game commecial like 3D coaster builder....something.

Rctycoon2k's avatar
yeah without a harness, you'd get flung out very quickly on a SLC like in the commercial. i think its kinda funny, even though the ride op dispatches the coaster without even a panel, also the ride op looks like hes in a janitors uniform...

Shaun Rajewski
"a recently crowned person in the 'know'"

Haha, that's a really cool idea, I'll be sure to look for that commercial. I haven't seen it yet.

Brent Haley
Cedar Point Gemini Crew '02

Getting flung out of a SLC may actually be better than riding with the harness on...ok, I'm done now. But those harness' do actually cause very serious injuries sometimes.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem

Coasters and sex........ what are we complaining about here? ;)
right on Sura!!!

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

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