Coaster Color Schemes

What are some really sweet color schemes? I mess with the colors forever, but it seems like all the ones I make really suck. The games colors sure don't give much help either! :)
I like to use a dark blue support with light blue track and the light CF blue for rails.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"
I like purple track and hot green supports.:)
Blue supports, white rails, and red track

Talon is going to rock, roll, and take its toll!
I like Kumba's color scheme so I use that sometimes.
Jack, who can't wait for opening day 2001...
I was wondering if someone could send me a m. freeze made with an vertical coaster because Im building sfot and i have every ride but that because i cant make a vertical coaster launch or could you make a corkscrew coaster go vertical I wwill send you the park if you like my email is *** This post was edited by Brandon L on 2/23/2001. ***
My two favorite colors are the deep maroon and the deep purple. I usually have white, gray, or black rails with the same for supports. If the coaster and theming warrant, I'll change these. (for instance, my Fueding Families inverts are both variants of brown, winding through a hick village.) I try to make various designs. I enjoy all silver occasionally, and sometimes black and red, silver with red rails, etc. One really cool scheme I did was a racing woodie called "Racing Cheetahs." It was black supports with orange track, black rails, alternating with black track, orange rails, so it looked like a cheetah. It was cool. I also use the bright blue, sometimes in conjunction with green. I also like purple and gold, orange and silver, etc.

What colors would you use for Medusa?
"Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort; heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."- P.C. Wiggum
I like to use Neon Green track. With Purple supports!
I like to go with a subtle color scheme for the track and supports. Usually the grey color with one of the more pastel colors for the track, then I usualy make the trains bright colors so they are easy to see as the move through the layout. Try this - I think you will like it.

All time Top 5: (1) Milleniun Force (2) Alpengeist (3) Hulk (4) Ice Dragon (5) Raptor
I like purple and yellow for my track, and light green for my supports
I've never quite mastered it but I think that Camaflage would be awesome. It would look cool and it could blend in in a jungle so that it would be surprising seeing the trains go by.
What is life without SFA?
That camo would be really slick! Do the colors of a coaster matter? Like if two coasters ( non racing/dueling) were right next to another, would peeps get confused?

Cleveland Pop Radio Stations: Stop playing that superman song!

I like the faded brown and faded red.
Ah, Roller Coasters.
An hour wait for a two minute ride.

Rock on.
I always leave the rails gray. The rest depends on theming, location, and coaster type
Generally I have the supports black or gray, but I like the deeper colors that came with CF for the main track. The deep maroon with yellow rails makes an intense look, or the dark yellow makes a nice gold from some angles.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Let's work on the POLL! Less than 20 votes to go!
Dark Purple and Gray look really good together, especially with the Medieval theme. Dark Purple and Black look sweet with the Jungle theme. The pinkish/maroon with dark/medium purple looks good. And for a steel forest coaster the faded brown w/ gray running rails looks cool.
Yellow supports, purple( dark blue) track . silvr rails. or yellow track, bright blue supports and orange rails...looks awesome on Inverts...kinda lke Montu and Talon
grey supports with sky blue track and dark maroon rails
I always come up with good color schemes. The best way to go for any coaster is this:
Track: Hot color
Spine: Dull color (basically same as the track color)
Support: Grey, white, black. Use a dull green or any brown if it's in a forest for a theme.

So, an example of a ride I made yesterday (steel looping) was a terrain coaster in a forest.
Track: Bright green
Spine: Dull green
Support: Brighter dull green *** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 3/24/2001. ***

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