Coaster Buzz Games?

Doesn't exist anymore? Where can I download all of those fantastic tracks and scenarios :(

Jeff's avatar

Other than a giant zip file somewhere, the site no longer exists.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Where is the giant .zip?

Raven-Phile's avatar

Judging from his post, I'm going to guess "somewhere" means just that.

...i.e., over the rainbow.

My author website:

I just want all of Gonchar's tracks :(

Lord Gonchar's avatar


I don't have copies of any of them myself.

Most of the really good ones have probably been ripped off and posted other places. I'm too lazy to look around though.

Raven-Phile's avatar

Me too. In fact, I'm too lazy to finis

I've tried searching for just "Lord Gonchar RCT2 Downloads" but it's a giant circle that leads me from CoasterImage back to CoasterBuzz back to missing sites. Le sigh.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Yeah, I removed the RCT pages from my site a while ago but Google kept pushing people to them. So I put them back up without links anywhere on the active site just for posterity.

Maybe someday we can get Jeff to make that big ol' zip file available to us?

I would certainly hope so. I miss all of your tracks :\

Jeff's avatar

The zip full of files isn't that useful without the database that describes them.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

In other words, there is a snowballs chance in Hell of us ever seeing the site come back with all of the old files? That makes me sad. :(

Jeff's avatar

Who would actually use it though? I mean, you guys, but even a dozen doesn't quite make it worth the effort. I'm not even sure if what I have includes the source code, and it was tied to the old version of the CoasterBuzz database, which has changed dramatically since then.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Honestly, I'd never use it anymore and I don't really need those files because I'll never fire up old versions or RCT again.

But every time it comes up, I remember I don't have copies of any of those files.

I mean, it wouldn't hurt to just add a database archive for the people that still do. I, for instance, will never play RCT3. Only RCT2 and the originals.

Either that, or go through to all of the other sites you guys control and stop forwarding everyone to a ghost site.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Well, you'll notice that there are no links at all on Coasterimage to the RCT pages. Those pages are are old and were removed from the active site structure long ago.

The only way to get to those pages (which are an old design that doesn't even match the current site design and dated 2008) are from other sites still linking to my outdated info. I removed links to those old pages shortly after CB Games went away.

The problem lies with other sites pushing you to outdated info on my site.

Jeff's avatar

If I could bring it back from the dead, certainly it would be read-only. But it would be a fair amount of work, not the least of which is because it ran on a version of .NET that's now seven or eight years old!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Oh the downsides of having a game that is ancient.

Jeff's avatar

I fire it up once or twice a year. The nostalgia wears off and I go do something else.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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