Zingo! said:
The Devastator: Ten whole minutes.....UNDERWATER!!!
I ain't afraid of no rollie coaster!
Mr. Show rules. :)
I do believe it was two minutes underewater though ;) - just saying.
Zero-G said:
News articles should be submitted to the news section.
Jes, the only problem is that it's not News. The article was written over a month ago for a park that was closed two months ago.
Unlike the article, I think Splendid China spent plenty on marketing. There wasn't a single brochure rack or discount gazette that DIDN'T have a coupon for the park. No, the park failed because beyond the nightly acrobat show and free dinner there was little reason to be there.
I can't see new owners buying in. That land is too valuable for anything more than residential condos with a commercial frontage.
There's that big irony though. China created the park to get folks excited about traveling to China but never invested in the rides and attractions that would a) get people into the park and b) therefore find China exciting.
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